The heart grows fonder.Poem by david stevenson.
You above, me below, beneath your skirts
Together we were merged into one harmony
Such love inspired by an act of worship
The focus of my universe was your pleasure
My lips and tongue employed in your service
Hidden beneath your skirts my purpose is clear
My mind body and soul devoted to one object
To show my love in ceremonious dedication
The importance of your pleasure made clear
Deliberate position, enhancing concealment
Denied the privilege of seeing your features
My reward, the sound of your sighs and moans
In coincidence with your climactic rapture
My spirits soared and my heart filled with joy
To be so employed was heavenly, reward in full
To spend myself would detract from perfection
You were seated in exalted status, hidden above
I knelt reverently, personality and desire ignored
Because precisely you had divined the truth
My joyous abstinence, serving the woman I love |
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