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2009-01-25 ( 10 edited messages )

# Re: C: male slave
# C: Michelle's Words of Wisdom
# Re: C: Michelle's Words of Wisdom x 2
# Re: C: Second Life - FemDom/Bdsm ?
# Re: C: Trample Party Girl
# Re: S: A Pussyboy is made
# UK censorship and porn possession law comes into effect
# Re: X: Fictionmania
# S: Anniversary Surprise - Chapter Six

Replies and more on the DOMestic blog:- http://u4ds.com


The Fem Dom Training Program.
Warning! Turns your wife/lover into a Dominatrix

* * * start of the digest * * *

Re: C: male slave
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 16:10:51 -0800 (PST)
From: Saber

male slave joan wrote:

>now it is a fact that Females are superior to males and they
>should rule the world. i do not understand why it is that
>males are not totally giving their all, the power, (physical,
>mental, and financial) to their Female owners.

I am certain that those who consider themselves to be owned, who
have this type of dynamic within their personal relationships,
and who have equally decided that they are to surrender all
control to their female counterparts, will and have. D/s, BDSM,
anything that falls under these umbrellas will naturally be
defined differently based on the individuals involved in the

Remember, not all of us into BDSM, D/s, etc have the belief that
females are superior. I know that I personally do not hold this
belief/opinion. I could go on a little "rampage" about how
ludicrous I personally believe gender specific superiority is,
and will discuss this with you privately if you should chose to
have that discussion (you may email me privately if you wish at

>Ms Christine please guide me so that i can be a good male
>slave to a female. please send me a reply.

And now that all that has been said, I have a few questions for
you. I noticed you signed your post as "male slave joan", from
which I gather you are either into feminization or cross
dressing, perhaps you are a Tranny, would you please clarify
this for me. Also, being made to "be inferior" to the female
gender, or having these thoughts that females are superior, why
do you take on a female name?



* * * next message * * *

C: Michelle's Words of Wisdom
From: "Mr Grundy"
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 11:18:40 -0000

Dear Christine

I am returning to your emails and web site after about a year's
break and I was captivated by Michelle's account of Kath and
Sevrin (at the end of 2007).

Does her account appear on the website anywhere? The site has
grown so dramatically over the years I don't know where to start
looking (and I have tried). Any hints?

I was wondering if it would be difficult to incorporate a "Word
Search" function to the stories? - I often can remember some
keywords of a storyline but can never remember the author. What
does David think I wonder.

Well the new pornography regulation starts in the UK tomorrow
despite some peoples best efforts :-(

Hope you are both well and best wishes for 2009.

Kind regards

Mr Grundy

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: Michelle's Words of Wisdom
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:14:57 -0000
From: "Christine" at u4ds.com

Hello Mr Grundy,

You'll note that I removed your name from your post above today.
Fortunately I remembered the pseudonym you requested that we use
on your previous posts, but it's best to remind us of such
things in future to avoid accidental posting of your real name.

Mr Grundy wrote:

>I was captivated by Michelle's account of Kath and Sevrin (at
>the end of 2007).

I've posted your message without altering the incorrect spelling
of "Michele", (you had two "L"s) "Kate" (not ending in h) and
"Severin" (missing an e) as it allows me to demonstrate why,
perhaps, you've had difficulty locating the articles you are
looking for.

>Does her account appear on the website anywhere?

Yes, those accounts appear in lots of locations on the both the
blog and on the membership web site.

>I don't know where to start looking (and I have tried). Any

I sure do, lots, first you simply go to the front page of the
blog at:-


and there on the top of the right hand panel you will see that
you have access to two separate search facilities. The public
one just requires you enter your search phrase in the box, and
that will bring up tips and/or results. The other one, the
member search facility, requires a DOMestic password which I
think you may already have.

Searching for "Michelle Kath Sevrin" in the public search
utility would not have brought you good results, quite simply
because all three keywords are misspelt, and there was no
article, until today, with all three of those words present.

However, the membership search facility is much more powerful,
and when it can't find a precise result it tries to guess what
you might have meant, and as such it brings up 16 results for
"Michelle Kath Sevrin", all of them being the ones which you
were looking for.

If you don't like using search utilities, you will also notice
that the blog has a right hand panel index which cross indexes
all of the posts by categories. You could find much of what
"Michele", "Kate" and/or "Severin" wrote under various of the
relevant headings.

A search for "Michele Kate Severin" using the public search
utility at


would also have brought you a page full of relevant results, and
probably one or two out of the three words, if correctly
spelled, would have worked well. But all three words mis-spelt
requires the more powerful engine on the membership site which
consumes a lot more server resources.

Lastly, below the category lists on the right hand side of the
blog there are date indexes which allow you to look at each
month of the last 13 years individually.

>I was wondering if it would be difficult to incorporate a
>"Word Search" function to the stories?

We already have that. See my comments above. But also, when you
log in to the member's site, the front or main page has a
prominent link to "Search the DOMestic web site" and there is a
link on the search page for "Tips and Expert Options".

>I often can remember some keywords of a storyline but can
>never remember the author. What does David think I wonder.

David has already provided some search tips at


so just let me know if you can't find what you are looking for
using the member's search facility, or the public one at


and I'll have David write some new search tips just for you.

>Well the new pornography regulation starts in the UK tomorrow
>despite some peoples best efforts :-(

Thanks for reminding me. We've today created a post with various
links on that at:-


>Hope you are both well and best wishes for 2009.

Thanks very much for your kind wishes and your continued
support, and welcome back :-)

Christine at Ms-Christine.com

Renew or get your DOMestic password at

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: Michelle's Words of Wisdom
From: "Mr Grundy"
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:58:28 -0000

Dear Christine

My sincere thanks (and fancy you remembering that I was Mr.

I'm embarrassed that I did not try harder - incorrect spelling -
not knowing that there was a search engine. I'm useless at this
sort of thing.

Kind regards and bye for now.
Mr. Grundy

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: Second Life - FemDom/Bdsm ?
Date: 15 Jan 2009 12:12:20 -0000
From: Electric

scur wrote:

>I was frequently on 2nd Life until a few months ago. I met
>some quality people there. I very rarely go on anymore but I
>can recommend a community there if it hasn't degenerated since
>I last was on. It is called HoX or House of X and the people
>there are very friendly in general.

Sometimes it is just magic :) I've stumbled by chance over this
thread. MsX the founder of the above mentioned "House of X"
arranges a Domme/sub Dating Show like the ones in the seventies
TV shows. This event is specially for the Femdom-Day in Second
Life on 18th January. On this day every major femdom community
gather on one SIM.

Would be cute to see you there. :)

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: Trample Party Girl
Date: 19 Jan 2009 08:23:58 -0000
From: heart

Daria wrote:

>I'm a young attractive girl looking to go to a trample party
>where men would worship my boots between Dec 27 - Jan 6

I am a guy with the same desires.. Taking my place under ladies
feet.. Any ladies would you like to help me in NYC?

I'm 28 and fit.

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Re: S: A Pussyboy is made
Date: 18 Jan 2009 14:53:59 -0000
From: Stephanie

Where can I meet a mistress like yours? Is there another out
there? I want to be owned and taught to be a girl. I will give
up everything! I am committed!

* * * next message * * *

UK censorship and porn possession law comes into effect
From: "Christine and David" at u4ds.com
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 11:27:48 -0000


As of tomorrow, 26th January 2009, it will be illegal for anyone
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to possess an "extreme"
pornographic image, even if the activity itself is legal.

This law is about possession, not just publication, so it
affects every individual in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
as of midnight tonight. It will of course cover images you have
on your computer, so you may want to read some of the
definitions and links herein.

Scotland's laws are soon to follow suit (early 2009) and are
possibly going to be more draconian. The UK already has some of
the most draconian obscene publications laws in Europe. Northern
Ireland already has laws which make the publication of obscene
articles an offence with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

The new offence in England, Wales and Northern Ireland requires
the pornographic image in the individual's possession to be
"extreme". For an image to be pornographic, it has to be deemed
to be obscene. But of course a precise definition of what is
either obscene or extreme is highly subjective.

You will find such concerns were raised by the Joint Committee
On Human Rights at:-


where is says that an assessment of whether an image is or is
not "extreme" is inherently subjective and may not, in every
case, be, as the UK Government suggests, "recognisable" or
"easily recognisable".

The full text of the relevant part of the new Criminal Justice
and Immigration Act 2008
is available on the Office of Public
Sector Information (OPSI) web site at:-


And we both have to admit to finding it just as badly written
and confusing as is suggested by the concerns raised by the
Joint Committee On Human Rights.

However, the Ministry of Justice pdf file offered by the
Backlash site here:-


allows the download of some explanatory information intended to
address the FAQs of the public. This document appears to have
been issued by the Ministry of Justice NIO (Northern Ireland
Office). The government advice suggests that to get tripped up
by this new law you need to have triggered ALL of 3 separate

The first two, obscenity and extreme nature are confusing. But
you may find yourself saved by the third area, which is perhaps
a little less confusing in that it defines the acts which are
covered. The acts covered are not all relevant to most
practitioners of BDSM. However, those acts which may affect BDSM
images are:-

a. An act which threatens a person's life


b. An act which results in or is likely to result in serious
injury to a person's anus, breast, or genitals

The trouble is that although we in the BDSM community would not
condone anything which is not safe, consensual and sane, it is
also somewhat subjective as to whether an act which we would
regard as "safe" would be deemed by others to actually threaten
a person's life, or would be deemed to be likely to result in
serious injury.

Just crossing the road is life threatening, and punishments such
as a caning or whipping might be seen by some as "likely to
result in serious injury" so once again we find the whole issue
to be highly subjective.

Lastly, the images have to appear to be real, in that cartoons
and drawings that don't appear to be real are not intended to
fall within the scope of this new law.

We don't believe that anything we have ever published should or
would therefore fall within the scope of this new law, but
because of the subjective nature of definition we would not like
to find ourselves having to defend ourselves in the UK should
the situation ever arise.

All the above is our opinion, and your mileage may vary.
Backlash's legal section can be found here:-


and this offers immediate help and advice for anyone in need of
legal assistance.

We found all these links via the Backlash site


The Backlash site is well worth a visit as it "monitors
implementation of the law, provides sources of advice for many
otherwise law abiding citizens inadvertently caught up in this,
and explains how the law came about."

Christine and David at Ms-Christine.com

The DOMestic discussion list. Now in our thirteenth year. The
password site now has over 6,700 files with well over 400
stories, plus pictures, and hundreds of articles. $26.99 for a
one year password. $16.99 for six months at


* * * next message * * *

Re: X: Fictionmania
Date: 20 Jan 2009 01:26:37 -0000
From: Terry

Jay wrote:

>Does anyone reading know the status of Fictionmania?

I have contacted Glamour Boutique one of the sponsors of
fictionmania.com. I was told that they hope to have the site up
and running again by the end of January 2009.

* * * next message * * *

S: Anniversary Surprise - Chapter Six
From: Shoekisser
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 09:24:47 +0000

First chapter is at:-

Anniversary Surprise
Chapter Six

She awoke me early next morning, with a "Good morning. How did
you sleep?"

I started to complain, but knew it would only get me zapped, so
I shut my mouth. She removed the arm binder, and I was directed
to don a pink padded bra, pink feminine tee shirt, a short pink
pleated skirt, like a cheerleader skirt, pink anklets and pink
running shoes.

"We are going down to the gym to get rid of some of that fat."

When we stepped off the elevator in the basement, we were met by
a tall woman with a great body wearing a white top that exposed
her bare midriff, black capris, and black ballet flats. She
looked at me with disgust, and said, "I see we have our work cut
out for us. Get on the treadmill, and we'll get started."

I run on a regular basis, so I figured this would be easy.
Wrong! The first 10 minutes or so weren't too bad. Then she
increased the slope on the treadmill and, at the same time,
increased the speed. I lagged somewhat and got jolted. I soon
learned that would happen every time I got a little out of
position on the treadmill. Damn, she isn't zapping me manually,
this thing has got sensors that detect when I fall behind
slightly, and automatically give me a jolt. I tried moving
forward or off to one side with the same result. This machine
wasn't cutting me any slack.

After an hour of running, I was given a drink, allowed to sit
down for a few minutes, then directed to remove my shoes and
anklets. Then we started Pilates. After a warm up, we started
what she called bridging, Starting on my back I had to raise my
midsection while supporting myself on my feet and shoulders. Of
course, my skirt fell towards my head, exposing my crotch. She
caressed my balls, which produced an erection.

"My goodness, you are horny. Are you finding all this to be
sexually frustrating?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"That's good. That's part of the training" and she zapped me,
which removed the erection.

We continued Pilates for an exhausting hour. Every time she
wasn't satisfied I got a jolt. When we finally quit, and I got
another short break and a drink, my abdomen definitely felt it.
While resting, I couldn't help looking at her body with a
completely flat midriff. She noticed I was looking at her, and
said, "You've noticed my flat stomach. When I'm through with
you, you'll have one too, and be able to wear bare midriff
fashions. Would you like that?"

I responded with the only allowable answer, "Yes, Mistress."

Her prediction turned out to be accurate. After two weeks, the
workouts, coupled with a greatly decreased food intake, and
helped by the waist cincher, resulted in a more attractive
stomach. Not six pack abs, but a flatter, more feminine waist.

I was handed a pair of pink ballet flats and told to put them
on. They fit perfectly. Just another example of how well
organized this operation was. As much as I hated being here, I
was impressed with their planning and logistics. Everything ran
like clockwork.

I practiced ballet for another hour. She started with the basic
positions. There were frequent electronic corrections, when she
wasn't satisfied. My toes had to be turned out the proper
amount, which, to me, was a completely unnatural position.
However, she kept insisting, until I finally got it right. We
moved to the barre for more exercises. Eventually she took me
back to my room, and left me with. "You may thank me by kissing
my shoes."

I knelt and kissed her black ballet flats. I don't know much
about ballet, but I understand that, traditionally, men wore
black ballet shoes and clothing, while women wore pink or white.
This was definitely a role reversal, with me clad in pink, and
her in black.

My wife opened the door while I was kissing the trainer's shoes.
"Well, I see your training is progressing." Then to the trainer,
"Thank you."

"My pleasure. We're making progress, but she still has a long
way to go. See you tomorrow, sweety."

I was allowed to relax for a few minutes, then given a salad to
eat. Luncheon salads, a glass of juice for breakfast, and a
supply of vitamins, dietary supplements, and appetite depression
pills prior to evening serving duties, were the extent of my

After that all too skimpy lunch, my wife had me strip, and led
me into the bathroom for a shower and full body shave from the
neck down, which she closely supervised.

Back in the bedroom, I was strapped into a waist-cincher, which
was tightened too tight. I put on the black bra, hose, and the
maid's dress with petticoats. A new pair of black patent heels,
3 inches high, came out of my suitcase and onto my feet.

During the course of my stay, the height of the heels gradually
increased from the original 2 inches through 3" to 4" and I even
had one session serving drinks to the ladies wearing 5 inch
heels. I eventually got to the point where I could handle most
heel heights, but the 5 inch heels were difficult to move and
maintain my balance in.

My wife redid my makeup and took me downstairs to the dining
room where she turned me over to the head trainer. She
instructed me in the proper way to set the table, serve food,
take away dishes, serve drinks, and everything else a waitress
needed to know. I was also taught the proper position to take
when not busy, standing with hands folded, and eyes downcast,
not looking directly at the women being served, but still able
to see if one of them signalled that she needed something. I was
made to practice all of this repeatedly with, of course,
frequent jolts for mistakes.

Eventually, my wife returned, and led me back to the room.

* * * end of messages * * *

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