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male slave

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 03:12:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Joan Rik

i am a submissive male. now it is a fact that Females are
superior to males and they should rule the world. i do not
understand why it is that males are not totally giving their
all, the power, (physical, mental, and financial) to their
Female owners.

Ms Christine please guide me so that i can be a good male slave
to a female. please send me a reply.

Thanking You.

male slave joan

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Joan Rik wrote:

>i am a submissive male.

Are you a submissive? Or do you consider yourself to be "male
slave" material, as your subject line reads? Have you considered
whether there may be a significant difference between the two

>now it is a fact that Females are superior to males

Well that's not a fact, it is just your opinion. Probably an
opinion that the suits your fantasy just fine, but it is the
opinion of a male and you are presumably an inferior male?
So, is it possible that you are wrong?

I personally do not believe in the inherent superiority of any
gender, there are good and bad women, and both higher and lesser
qualities to be found in both men and women.

>and they should rule the world

I do think we need more women in power, so that there is a more
balanced representation of both sexes in positions of business
and political influence.

But I don't think that either sex should "rule the world",
although I recognise it can be fun to fantasise about such

>i do not understand why it is that males are not totally
>giving their all, the power, (physical, mental, and
>financial) to their Female owners.

I expect that any males who share your opinions would be trying
to do that. I'm sure some have succeeded. What makes you feel
that they are not?

I don't expect males who do not share your opinions to want to
be a slave.

Do you really not understand?

>Ms Christine please guide me so that i can be a good
>male slave to a Female.

Ask some sensible questions and I'll be among those here who
gives it a try.

>please send me a reply.

I don't send personal replies. Posts sent to DOMestic are
published here, and anybody who feels like replying to you will
do so.

Christine at Ms-Christine.com

Renew or get your DOMestic password at


male slave joan wrote:

>now it is a fact that Females are superior to males and they
>should rule the world. i do not understand why it is that
>males are not totally giving their all, the power, (physical,
>mental, and financial) to their Female owners.

I am certain that those who consider themselves to be owned, who
have this type of dynamic within their personal relationships,
and who have equally decided that they are to surrender all
control to their female counterparts, will and have. D/s, BDSM,
anything that falls under these umbrellas will naturally be
defined differently based on the individuals involved in the

Remember, not all of us into BDSM, D/s, etc have the belief that
females are superior. I know that I personally do not hold this
belief/opinion. I could go on a little "rampage" about how
ludicrous I personally believe gender specific superiority is,
and will discuss this with you privately if you should chose to
have that discussion (you may email me privately if you wish at

>Ms Christine please guide me so that i can be a good male
>slave to a female. please send me a reply.

And now that all that has been said, I have a few questions for
you. I noticed you signed your post as "male slave joan", from
which I gather you are either into feminization or cross
dressing, perhaps you are a Tranny, would you please clarify
this for me. Also, being made to "be inferior" to the female
gender, or having these thoughts that females are superior, why
do you take on a female name?



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