Michelle's Words of Wisdom
From: "Mr Grundy"
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:50:36 -0000
Dear Christine
I am returning to your emails and web site after about a year's
break and I was captivated by Michelle's account of Kath and
Sevrin (at the end of 2007).
Does her account appear on the website anywhere? The site has
grown so dramatically over the years I don't know where to start
looking (and I have tried). Any hints?
I was wondering if it would be difficult to incorporate a "Word
Search" function to the stories? - I often can remember some
keywords of a storyline but can never remember the author. What
does David think I wonder.
Well the new pornography regulation starts in the UK tomorrow
despite some peoples best efforts :-(
Hope you are both well and best wishes for 2009.
Kind regards
Mr Grundy
[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]
Posted by: Christine | link | edited and published January 25, 2009 5:20 PM
Hello Mr Grundy,
You'll note that I removed your name from your post above today.
Fortunately I remembered the pseudonym you requested that we use
on your previous posts, but it's best to remind us of such
things in future to avoid accidental posting of your real name.
Mr Grundy wrote:
>I was captivated by Michelle's account of Kath and Sevrin (at
>the end of 2007).
I've posted your message without altering the incorrect spelling
of "Michele", (you had two "L"s) "Kate" (not ending in h) and
"Severin" (missing an e) as it allows me to demonstrate why,
perhaps, you've had difficulty locating the articles you are
looking for.
>Does her account appear on the website anywhere?
Yes, those accounts appear in lots of locations on the both the
blog and on the membership web site.
>I don't know where to start looking (and I have tried). Any
I sure do, lots, first you simply go to the front page of the
blog at:-
and there on the top of the right hand panel you will see that
you have access to two separate search facilities. The public
one just requires you enter your search phrase in the box, and
that will bring up tips and/or results. The other one, the
member search facility, requires a DOMestic password which I
think you may already have.
Searching for "Michelle Kath Sevrin" in the public search
utility would not have brought you good results, quite simply
because all three keywords are misspelt, and there was no
article, until today, with all three of those words present.
However, the membership search facility is much more powerful,
and when it can't find a precise result it tries to guess what
you might have meant, and as such it brings up 16 results for
"Michelle Kath Sevrin", all of them being the ones which you
were looking for.
If you don't like using search utilities, you will also notice
that the blog has a right hand panel index which cross indexes
all of the posts by categories. You could find much of what
"Michele", "Kate" and/or "Severin" wrote under various of the
relevant headings.
A search for "Michele Kate Severin" using the public search
utility at
would also have brought you a page full of relevant results, and
probably one or two out of the three words, if correctly
spelled, would have worked well. But all three words mis-spelt
requires the more powerful engine on the membership site which
consumes a lot more server resources.
Lastly, below the category lists on the right hand side of the
blog there are date indexes which allow you to look at each
month of the last 13 years individually.
>I was wondering if it would be difficult to incorporate a
>"Word Search" function to the stories?
We already have that. See my comments above. But also, when you
log in to the member's site, the front or main page has a
prominent link to "Search the DOMestic web site" and there is a
link on the search page for "Tips and Expert Options".
>I often can remember some keywords of a storyline but can
>never remember the author. What does David think I wonder.
David has already provided some search tips at
so just let me know if you can't find what you are looking for
using the member's search facility, or the public one at
and I'll have David write some new search tips just for you.
>Well the new pornography regulation starts in the UK tomorrow
>despite some peoples best efforts :-(
Thanks for reminding me. We've today created a post with various
links on that at:-
>Hope you are both well and best wishes for 2009.
Thanks very much for your kind wishes and your continued
support, and welcome back :-)
Christine at Ms-Christine.com
Renew or get your DOMestic password at
Posted by: Mr Grundy | link | edited and published January 25, 2009 6:17 PM
Dear Christine
My sincere thanks (and fancy you remembering that I was Mr.
I'm embarrassed that I did not try harder - incorrect spelling -
not knowing that there was a search engine. I'm useless at this
sort of thing.
Kind regards and bye for now.
Mr. Grundy