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2009-05-20 ( 4 edited messages )

# Re: S: 19 - part one
# S: In The Bank Manager's Cupboard. Part Twenty-four
# Re: C: dominant woman - only in a drunken stupor x 2

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Re: S: 19 - part one
Date: 10 May 2009 13:18:57 -0000
From: Darren

Hi there,

Great start to this story, am looking forward to hearing more!
Do enjoy office related stories regarding power-suited ladies
taking charge!

Will enjoy following this story, Look forward to the next part!

Many thanks

* * * next message * * *

S: In The Bank Manager's Cupboard. Part Twenty-four
From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 21:10:26 +0100

Previous issues are at:-

In The Bank Manager's Cupboard - by Ms. Christine
Copyright 1986-2009 Christine and David Stevenson

Part Twenty-four

Despite his position, the sight gave David another
uncomfortable erection. She pushed her panties down to
her stocking tops, lifted the perspex toilet lid, and
regally took up her position on the 'throne'.

Once again David looked up at the centre of her
sexuality. That which she had brought him to revere.
There was no longer any question in his mind. He was
owned by her, his purpose now defined. To serve the
female sex. To serve Karin. Without a word, she
urinated a second long stream upon him. Her complete
silence made him feel more like her toilet than a
person. Even if he hadn't liked what she had said the
first time, at least speaking to him was acknowledging

Dropping tissue in on him, she flicked open the
locking catches, pulled out the perspex retaining sheet
and dropped it on the bath mat. Then she washed her
hands at the wash basin and her heels clicking she
sauntered out of the bathroom, down the stairs and out
to the waiting lift. Her car was waiting downstairs,
and as her chauffeur pulled away she felt a shiver of
raw power, like pure energy, surge through her body.
Yes, she was definitely on a winning streak. This was
going to be a week to remember.

David made the obvious and correct assumption that she
had finished with him, temporarily at least. He managed
to extricate himself from her toilet, and lay on the
floor with his head under her shower until his head
felt clean again. His restrainer allowed him just
enough movement to point her hairdryer in the direction
necessary to dry his hair. Raising a towel that high
was impossible. He wasn't exactly tidy, but he did feel
clean and dry, on the outside at least. Although the
psychological impact of her treatment had left him
feeling worthless and degraded. It was becoming clear
to him that he deserved to be treated as an inferior.

When he got downstairs he found a list of chores and a
dinner menu beside her discarded breakfast things. A
short note explained, 'Complete the list by the time I
return, help yourself to food. Prepare my dinner for
seven this evening. I have left you five cigarettes.'

Five cigarettes, that was nothing like the twenty a day
he had become used to, but it was better than the one
butt she had allowed him on Sunday. Desperate for a
smoke, he used the first of his five immediately.

One of his many chores included laundering her
discarded lingerie. As he collected the skimpy
articles, especially the elderberry coloured frilly
items, memories flooded back. He was forced to use the
bidet to suppress his lust once more.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

After her meeting and a busy day on the telephone, the
deal was sewn up to Karin's satisfaction. Regulations
may have been bent a little, but through several
'representatives' the 'raid' had gone according to
plan. She had sold short her competitors stock until it
started to tumble, a major risk. Then bought back much
more than she needed at less than it was worth. She and
the few friends she had orchestrated the plan with now
controlled a majority of the shares. The excess she
sold off, even turning a cash profit on the day.

She wouldn't show her hand of course, not until the
dust had settled on the days business at the stock
exchange. One wouldn't want to provoke an
investigation. No-one quite knew what had caused such a
major blip in their share value, but everyone was
comfortable that it had returned to it's original
price. When the time came, her nominee would surely be
made Managing Director, since she now held the
controlling votes. That was, after all said and done,
all that counted.

It was four in the afternoon when Karin dialled
Christine's number on her private line. She arranged to
call round straight away and collect her order.
Christine's love and life was creating new toys. The
toys she designed were by no means ordinary, nor for
children. Karin had been shown some very sophisticated
gadgetry on her previous visits. Karin was pleased to
accept an invitation to dine with Christine that
evening. She had ordered a rather novel gag, and while
she was there it might be fun to discuss some of her
fantasies and see what else Christine could create.

The dinner David was preparing at home for her could
always be mashed up and fed to him over the next couple
of days. It would be best not to try his first attempt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Re: C: dominant woman - only in a drunken stupor
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 22:24:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: nuked potatoes

On 2 Apr 2009 nuked_potatoes previously wrote:

>promise a proper response to all -snip- working 14 hours plus a
>day right now -snip- I will be back to elaborate on my views.


i am back where do i begin? about there are no Dominant Women?
First i say Hello To Miss Saber She is perfect And Miss
Henrietta all the men must melt like me. And To David You of
Course are correct i ruffle feathers. There are no Dominant
Women because there cannot be without men and all Women know.

i think it's from my mom i learned it spank me cry and wail it
is what it is... men take care for Women and Women take care for

The True Dominant Woman thinks who is this shit?

I say you need help... if a man loves You he does not for Your
love for being his dom. He is in love because of this life just
like You...

as a subby guy i can say it is just love not kink i am
interested in, and i will say and live ok we try it Your way :-)
not all women are so clever and there is no dominant woman

maybe just one :-)

nuked potatoes

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: dominant woman - only in a drunken stupor
From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 18:18:50 +0100


I was tempted to not bother to include another rambling message
from "nuked", as he doesn't answer anybody or add anything new.
But as he's almost the only person bothering to post to DOMestic
at the moment, I'll include his post and answer it.

On 2 Apr 2009 nuked_potatoes previously wrote:

>promise a proper response to all -snip- to elaborate on my views.

In your latest I don't see a proper response from you to anyone,
let alone "all", and any elaboration you have included doesn't
add anything worthy of inclusion in a rational discussion.

nuked_potatoes wrote:

>i am back where do i begin?

Try the beginning. Nuked, I suggest you go to:-

dominant woman - only in a drunken stupor


Is kink really fair for most Women


Dominant Women definition

Follow all the links there. Read all the posts, answer all the
questions people have directly asked you.

A tip for you, while reading, whenever you see a "?" it means
it's a question which usually means your interlocutor expects a
response from you.

When you have compiled a sensible answer to every question folk
have asked you, paste them all into one message.

When you are prepared to take us seriously, then we'll take you
more seriously. Until then, your posts are a waste of time.

nuked_potatoes wrote:

>no Dominant Women because there cannot be without men

Logical conclusions you can make from your own statement are
therefore obvious:-

a. Men exist


b. There can be Dominant Women

But, beyond that, Duh! - If men didn't exist at all, Dominant
Women could still exist. Think about it nuked. No men around, so
who would the Dominant Women still be able to dominate?

I couldn't find anything else in your post worthy of comment.


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