« Mistress and her maid - part seven | Main | September 30th 2009 »

2009-09-22 ( 16 edited messages )

# C: pleasure punishing or from dominating her man?
# Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
# Re: C: Fem Dom games and contests couples and bdsm groups
# C: Mistress and her maid - part seven
# P: out of the closet Phoenicia NY
# Re: U: Kinky Kollege - Beyond The Edge - October 2009
# C: Stereotypical Dom
# Re: C: Stereotypical(?) Dom(?) Pasadena(?) California

Keep up to date with DOMestic at:-


The Fem Dom Training Program.
Train your husband/lover.

* * * start of the digest * * *

C: pleasure punishing or from dominating her man?
Date: 9 Sep 2009 00:41:09 -0000
From: Joe

Question to Dominant Ladies,

It has been mentioned that some submissive men get major
satisfaction when they believe their Mistress is getting excited
or experiencing pleasure when they punish or demand other
services from him.

My question is: Do Mistresses really get excited punishing or
otherwise dominating her man or do they just fake pleasure?

My reason for asking is that I really get excited when I think I
am giving my lady pleasure by submitting to anything (no matter
what) she may require. I just wonder if I am being unreasonable
to expect her to really get pleasure from abusing me.


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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: 8 Sep 2009 21:02:51 -0000
From: jazzclassic

slaveboy wrote:

>Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?'

I have gone for an entire year without any milking being done,
and my body has taken care of it. It occurs as nighttime wet
dreams, or as dripping at times.

I do think that the necessity to milk is a myth, a myth put
forth by men.

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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
From: VickieTern
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 17:40:35 EDT

slaveboy wrote:

>I've read that eventually the build-up of cum overflows into
>the bladder and gets released during urination. -snip- I was
>wondering if anyone can confirm that this is the case.

Here are two quotations from standard medical advice on the Web,
located courtesy of Google. (moderator has provided Google links)

The subject under discussion is "Flomax" (tamsulosin), a drug
commonly given to relieve urinary problems resulting from
prostate enlargement.

"Flomax is used to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate -
a condition technically known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or
BPH. The walnut-sized prostate gland surrounds the urethra (the
duct that drains the bladder). If the gland becomes enlarged, it
can squeeze the urethra, interfering with the flow of urine.
This can cause difficulty in starting urination, a weak flow of
urine, and the need to urinate urgently or more frequently.
Flomax doesn't shrink the prostate. Instead, it relaxes the
muscle around it, freeing the flow of urine and decreasing
urinary symptoms."

One side effect (in up to 18% of those who use this drug):

"Retrograde ejaculation - ejaculate enters the bladder instead
of leaving the body through the penis. This problem is usually
painless and harmless. Men with this problem may notice cloudy
urine after sexual intercourse."

So the answer to your question is Yes, even without drugs
designed to further relax the bladder neck's muscle, if
nocturnal emissions don't discharge accumulated cum, the excess
can leak back into the bladder and be urinated out.

Which has little to do with a main humiliating effect of
"milking," namely knowing that though a chaste male you are
being entered and stimulated as if a gay man or a libidinous
female and responding accordingly, finger-fucked up the ass,
your heterosexual masculinity challenged by your mistress. Until
one day you may grow curious whether a penis might accomplish
the same purpose more satisfyingly and your masculinity
retreats, defeated.


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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: 9 Sep 2009 16:29:58 -0000
From: slaveboy

jazzclassic wrote:

>"I have gone for an entire year without any milking being done,
>and my body has taken care of it. It occurs as nighttime wet
>dreams, or as dripping at times."

Cool that you have gone a year. I'm going to post about the
following, but I would like to ask you, and anyone else who has
gone for weeks to months or more, the following question:

Did you ever spontaneously feel like you were falling in love
during that time of chastity? Ever experience "tingling"
throughout your whole body along with sexual or sensual

>"I do think that the necessity to milk is a myth, a myth put
>forth by men."

My gut tells me the same thing.

Vickie's answer seems to hit the nail on the head as far as the
humility angle and why a slave might want to experience milking.
But, I don't think any of the ladies here need to be concerned
about health-related issues if they enjoy keeping their man in

Thanks for your replies. Private emails are also welcome.



Please visit us at chastityheaven for the finest custom made
chastity devices.

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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:51:36 +0100
From: "David" at u4ds.com


I will give some medical quotes and links later (after this
post). But first, I once wrote here....

"Prostate massage is a medical thing, not just a bdsm thing, so
you should have no problems or embarrassment in asking your
doctor whether regular prostate massage is a good thing in your

and I think that if you are in any doubt, you should ask your
doctor. Prostate massage can be both/either beneficial or
dangerous, see later.

Christine quoted me in her article at:


where she gives lots of resource links for those interested in
the medical aspects. This kind of "Male Milking" does not
necessarily involve an ejaculation but usually results in a
gentle non ejaculatory and frustrating leakage, not unlike the
leakage both "jazzclassic" and "slaveboy" report happens
automatically in their own cases.

Neither of us believe that this form of "Milking" is "always"
essential, but it might be beneficial in "some" or even "many"
cases. In my own case it is highly arousing for me when my
Mistress "justifies" her sexual cruelty with a credible
statement along the lines of "I'm only doing it for your own

In this manner we both think "Male Milking" can be deliciously
humiliating and wonderfully frustrating for the male who is only
permitted his "release" in this non ejaculatory manner. It is
one of the ultimate forms of very sexy cruelty and a form of
imposed chastity without necessarily requiring a belt.

For a masochist like me the humiliating style of clinical anal
penetration and stimulation can result in a high level of
arousal. It can provide either the illusion or the reality of
beneficial medical effects (prostate health). The male is denied
an ejaculation but is stimulated into a leakage of any seminal
fluids that may have built up.

So yes it is fun for those males and females who enjoy it, and
may have beneficial effects for some.

However, what I've described thus far is not "milking" by
providing an ejaculation. Nevertheless, ejaculation can be
medically necessary is some cases, and the need for this form of
milking in some cases is not a myth.

There is a body of medical opinion which believes that more
frequent ejaculation (and/or prostate massage) helps alleviate
prostatitis. (see quotes later). Therefore it is not a myth for
those who will gain some medical benefit from it.

It should be done carefully and safely. Christine has provided
several long articles in the past on why prostate massage might
be beneficial in some cases, and if you are going to do it, how
to do it safely.

You can read some of those articles via the link already given
above and a more fun description at:-


VickieTern wrote:

>if nocturnal emissions don't discharge accumulated cum, the
>excess can leak back into the bladder and be urinated out.

This is correct. But some folk may be reading the "can" as "will
leak back" - while it "can" leak back it may not "always" do so,
and may result in aggravating inflammation if it does not.

jazzclassic wrote:

>"I have gone for an entire year without any milking being done,
>and my body has taken care of it. It occurs as nighttime wet
>dreams, or as dripping at times."

That's great. and as long as you are having regular medical
check-ups and are sure you have a healthy prostate, more power
to you.

slaveboy wrote:

>Ever experience "tingling" throughout your whole body along
>with sexual or sensual thoughts?

This always happens to me when I'm subjected to prolonged
arousal without ejaculation being permitted. It's the best and
probably the only 'buzz' I get without chemicals, and as I only
use tobacco and alcohol, and do not want to seek out any other
chemical "buzz" I highly recommend the buzz or high from
prolonged "prickteasing".

What's even better for me is to then "for the benefit of my
health" be permitted to "leak" by being "milked" as a form of

This form of "denial" of ejaculation prolongs my arousal,
maintains the "buzz" and hopefully avoids any build-up of
seminal fluids which might have lead to prostatitis, which I
don't suffer from. But I'm not a doctor, and what works for us
is not a prescription for everyone. So get regular prostate
check-ups and consult a doctor on whether prostate massage is
advisable in your own case.

slaveboy wrote:

>I don't think any of the ladies here need to be concerned about
>health-related issues if they enjoy keeping their man in

I disagree not least because your word "any" is too broad. There
may be "some" ladies here who should be concerned. I'd go
further and say there is almost certainly at least one lady here
who should be concerned, and probably more than one.

Not ejaculating frequently and irregular sexual activity are two
of the causes of prostatitis listed below. But by all means read
the quotes below my sig line and judge for yourself.

David at u4ds.com

Download "Prickteasing" by David

Medical links:-


and some quotes:-

Here are a few snippets from:-


It seems that gentle massage of the prostate by a urologist may
be beneficial by: helping to drain painfully sequestered
secretions in a chronically inflamed prostate gland or seminal
vesicles; or As a leading prostatitis researcher has stated,
"prostate massage" may help by releasing the tension around
nerve endings near the prostate

However, vigorous prostatic massage may be very dangerous. If
you have acute bacterial prostatitis it can result in
septicaemia (blood poisoning). If you have the beginnings of a
carcinoma in your prostate, it could conceivably result in the
cancer being disturbed, broken up and metastasizing (spreading)
around your body. Thirdly, it can result in prostatic calculi
(little stones -- if you have them) tearing the delicate
membranes in the prostate.

And here are a few snippets from:-


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, often
resulting in swelling or pain. Prostatitis can result in four
significant symptoms: pain, urination problems, sexual

Estimates on the number of males in the United States who will
experience prostatitis during their lifetimes range up to 50
percent. Many urologic disease experts feel that from 5 to 10
percent of males will be experiencing prostatitis at a
particular time, making it one of the most common urologic
diseases in the U.S.

By far, the most common type of prostatitis is nonbacterial
prostatitis. Symptoms may include frequent urination and pain in
the lower abdomen or lower back area. Causes may be stress and
irregular sexual activity.

According to Dr. Leroy Nyberg, Jr., director of Urology Programs
at the National Institutes of Health, treatments for
nonbacterial prostatitis may include anti-inflammatory
medications or muscle relaxants, taking hot baths, drinking
extra fluids, learning to relax when urinating, and ejaculating

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 20:26:01 -0500
From: Super A

slaveboy wrote:

>the build-up of cum overflows into the bladder and gets
>released during urination -snip- my 'pee' was thick and
>appeared to be mostly cum -snip- Super A, waddya say... you
>are an expert on longer term chastity

I've never heard of anyone getting thick urine before or for
that matter getting the two fluids combined except perhaps some
thinning of the semen with urine, but not the other way around.

I've always found that I leak when necessary and that is what
everyone else I have communicated with has told me too. While
milking may have some benefits, my urologist told me you will
never see a study to this effect - and I believe him.

Super A

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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: 10 Sep 2009 10:55:23 -0000
From: thalassa97

By mental concentration I can ejaculate without orgasm and without
erection. Look at my video at:

video2.xtube.com - Ejaculation sans orgasme ni masturbation - Cumming no orgasm

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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: 10 Sep 2009 19:58:35 -0000
From: sub ray

i have only been milked one time, accidentally by a plug, but
have never been able to reproduce the same result. Mistress has
not yet tried to do it, but with a prostate plug, i am able to
leak a lot. i didn't know what was happening to me when it
happened, just had an urge to pee that i couldn't stop. i did
notice that it wasn't urine, but thick clear liquid.

So i know it is not a myth, just really hard to do (at least for
me). Every male is different i guess. As i read, you need to be
very careful if Y/you do it manually.

After two to three weeks of chastity, i notice my dreams get a
little wild (wet dreams). It is a nice morning waking up to an
orgasm :-) my Mistress sometimes helps out my dreams by lightly
touching me while i am in a deep sleep.

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Re: C: Chastity Question, Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 00:43:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "E."

>"Is "Milking" Just The Myth That I Think It Is?"

What a wonderful question! My wife is a gynecologist and is
pretty convinced that the necessity of milking is a myth, so
much so that she rarely allows me to cum and has made it clear
that she doesn't enjoy me cumming.

Yes, the body disposes of much semen on its own. The question
remains how significant it is if the prostate carries a hefty
load of semen most of the time - if some aspect of it adversely
affects the prostate and sets the stage for later cancer.

The indicators of a problem are BPH - benign prostate
hyperplasia or an increasing PSA number. I've always imagined
that finasteride or dutasteride would be effective in managing
possible BPH and have taken it prophylactically for years.

If my PSA numbers go up significantly, I'm not sure chastity
will remain part of what we do.

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Re: C: Fem Dom games and contests couples and bdsm groups
Date: 8 Sep 2009 21:06:31 -0000
From: jazzclassic

kink marshall wrote:

>Does anyone remember this publication

The book Mistress Nathalie wrote was i believe "Mistress
Nathalie's guide to foot slavery". She wrote a monthly column
about her and her slave husband Donald.

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Re: C: Fem Dom games and contests couples and bdsm groups
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 12:05:07 -0400
From: chmnceo

kink marshall wrote:

>mid eighties, there was a Mistress Nathalie, I believe was her
>name..., who published a 300 page or so Slave handbook

I believe the book you are referencing is "Mistress Natalie's
Guide to Foot Worship"

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C: Mistress and her maid - part seven
From: sissy maid wendy
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 01:22:45 +0000

Mistress and her maid - part seven
First part is at:- Wonderful visit - Mistress and her maid

The maid arrived for today's duties bearing champagne and red
wine for her owner and the written account of the last visit for
her Mistress to also read and place in the register.

The maid joined her owner in the lounge for today's
instructions. Today it would be cleaning the two dungeons,
dusting and placing the whips, canes and toys in their right
place, along with wiping down the floors, by hand.

The maid's owner decided on the more formal uniform with pink
blouse, and pink apron, with white lace suspender belt, black
stockings, pink padded bra and a white camisole, and high heels,
the blond wig and her usual pink owned collar, and the two
bracelets, one that read 'slave' and one that read "wendy".

The maid quickly completed her tasks of cleaning the dungeons,
re arranging the furniture, placing the canes and whips in
place, plus folding towels to make sure the rooms were ready for
use - but all the while checking her Mistress's red wine glass
was full.

Madam then accompanied the maid to the Dungeon for inspection
and to read the report of the last visit.

As Madam sat on her chair in the dungeon her sissy maid served
her red wine and lit her cigarettes for her. In between this the
sissy maid massaged her owner's feet, licked and sucked her
Mistress' toes, taking extra care on the large toe. The sissy
maid then sat on a chair opposite her Mistress, with maid's
dress and skirt raised exposing her freshly clean shaven sissy

The maid was also permitted a cigarette and a little red wine -
but the sissy was to hold her skirt, slips and apron high
allowing her Mistress a clear view of the sissy clit, and the
full sissy scrotum - the maid knew an orgasm and the use of the
maid's cream was now only for the superior sex's pleasure and no
longer hers.

As Mistress read the report of the last visit she noted the
typing errors...

It was then time for the sissy to admit any errors she had made
since the last visit - the sissy admitted to three unauthorized
orgasms - masturbation was permitted but orgasms not..... her
Madam could have excused one as a mistake or a stroke too many,
but three transgressions without a Mistresses permission or even
forced sex by a member of the superior sex would have to dealt

Mistress told her sissy maid to wait in the dungeon and she
would return in sixty seconds.

As Madam returned she was zipping up her leather trousers, it
was clear she had been to the bathroom without her maid.

The sissy maid was ordered to assume the position bent over the
leather covered bench, dress and slips raised. The maid looked
to the mirrors on the wall, seeing herself bent over the bench
and the Mistress looking at the very bare bottom - a bottom she
was getting ready to punish.

Madam stood next to her maid and ran her hands over the maid's
bottom before starting some warm up spankings. These were in the
range of 6 to 10 medium spanks, the maid thanked her owner after
the spanking.

Madam then moved to the racks on the dungeon wall that held the
punishment toys of paddles, whips, canes, crops and more - it
was a well stocked dungeon built up by many years of use.

Madam made her selections returning with a cane, thin whip and
ridding crop. Madam positioned herself and raised the thin whip,
striking her maids bottom - it hurt the maid with her letting
out little scream followed by a whimper. The maid had no idea
how many strokes and of what she was to receive but she thought
maybe 12 strokes.

The maid was not restrained, cuffed or tied down in any way nor
were there were any safe words, no begging for the punishment to
stop - the sissy maid accepted her owner's right to punish as
Madam considered appropriate. This was not sissy or slave
visiting a Mistress for session, this was a Mistress and her
very owned slave, a slave she had spent years training to be her

As Madam alternated her strokes from cane, to whip, to riding
crop the sissy maid whimpered, let out little sissy moans and
screams, the sissy maids legs buckled, her sissy bottom moved,
but the maid remained bent over the leather bench, counted each
stroke out loud thanking Madam for each stroke and raising her
bottom to receive the next stroke, as the maid watched her owner
in the mirror changing from whip to cane to crop and raising her
arm to deliver each stroke.

After the twelfth stroke the sissy hoped it would end at 17,
then hoped it would end at 25 - but Madam had decided there
would be more.

Madam then took a break, but keeping the maid still bent over
the bench the Mistress stood behind the maid rubbing the crotch
area of her leather trousers against the maid's bottom as Madam
held the maids hips. this allowed Madam to feel the warmth of
the maids bottom, as well as remind the sissy that her owner
could use the strap on to screw her sissy maid's tight bottom
pussy at any time she desired - the maid ground her bottom
against her Mistress' trousers as an acknowledgment of

Before returning to the punishment of the sissy maid's bottom
Madam's hand slipped between the maids legs caressing the maid's
clit and shaven scrotum - reminding the maid of who owned these
sissy cock and balls.

Madam then continued the punishment with the maid still not
knowing how many stokes she would receive, at 35 strokes the
maid continued to whimper, and pleaded with her owner - not to
stop, but in the hope her owner would know the maid was truly
her servant.

After Madam had finished at 50 strokes, the Mistress turned her
maid around to face her, the maid was ready to fall to the floor
and kiss her owners feet - but Madam took the maid and held her
in a firm embrace, the maid responded, and thanked her owner for
the punishment, the maid felt many mixed emotions at this time
but submission was the most strongest.

The maid acknowledged to the Mistress that Madam could use her
any way at any time she wanted she was her Mistress' slave.
Madam held the maid like an aunt would hold a child, or mature
woman would hold a young man before she would use him - there
was no doubt Madam was pleased with her conquest.

Madam kissed her maid on the cheek as the maid was about to
break into tears.

Madam broke the embrace; the sissy fell to the floor now on her
knees but with Madam still standing the maid's head was held to
his Mistress waist.

Madam left the room for the maid to clean up. As the maid
cleaned up on her own the maid raised her skirts and softly
caressed her sissy clit, it was firm and erect - how the maid
hoped her Mistress would return and take her in hand and milk
her... the sissy's clit would now stay full until he had
permission from Madam for an orgasm (this permission would only
happen two days later).

The maid was then to change and join the household sitting close
to her Mistress until it was time to leave.

The Mistress then took her maid to the front door, but not
before one quick visit to the dungeon for the maid now in street
clothes, to kneel before her owner and to thank her owner for
collaring and training her.

* * * next message * * *

P: out of the closet Phoenicia NY
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 00:19:19 -0000
From: "glennbonne"

i'm 45, in great shape and have been a sub all my life in the
closet. i have many friends and know many people but people that
know me don't really know me. i am seeking a dom woman or couple
to own me. anything goes, i know where i need to be, at a
woman's feet to serve and worship.

i live in NY, a town called Phoenicia not too far from Kingston,
exit 19 off the thruway.

i have been looking for this all my life.

* * * next message * * *

Re: U: Kinky Kollege - Beyond The Edge - October 2009
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 22:21:48 -0500
From: "Pat"

Hurry! Kollege prices are going up next week - September 15th at
11:55 PM! Take advantage of the savings for the Kink Event of
the Year! Kinky Kollege 2009 - October 23-25, 2009 - Chicago, IL
Join over 750 like minded kinky students from all over the world
who will come to learn, play and make new friends! See, hear and
learn from the most famous All-Star line up of Presenters ever
assembled. Discounted hotel rates and meal packages still

For more information and to register visit:-

* * * next message * * *

C: Stereotypical Dom
Date: 9 Sep 2009 21:29:03 -0000
From: Ninja X

I'm Dom - with all it's stereotypes and exclusions. Subs, feel
free to ask questions.

* * * next message * * *

Re: C: Stereotypical(?) Dom(?) Pasadena(?) California
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:20:42 +0100
From: "David" at u4ds.com


I've got a few questions. I've put some of them in the subject
line I gave to your post on the blog - they are indicated by this(?)

Here are a few more....

Why bother? Do you read? Have you got a clue?

You posted from an IP address which is probably somewhere around
Pasadena, California, and you didn't even tell us that much, we
had to look it up. But beyond that we know nothing about you.
Your one line post is a complete waste of time. It included an
email address in the text when the posting form specifically
says not to do that.

Ninja X wrote:

>I'm Dom

Male or Female?

>with all it's stereotypes and exclusions

What would they be in your opinion?

>Subs, feel free to ask questions.

I've done so, would you care to explain also why you didn't read
a few messages before blundering in?

The posting guidelines for example?


David at u4ds.com

The DOMestic discussion list. Now in our thirteenth year. The
password site now has over 6,700 files with well over 400
stories, plus pictures, and hundreds of articles. $26.99 for a
one year password. $16.99 for six months at


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The Fem Dom Training Program. Warning!
Turns your wife/lover into a Dominatrix.

* * * end of digest * * *

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DO NOT include an email address in your comments. Please read this if you want to do that. Posts are edited by the moderator before they appear.

[Tip:- The correct answer is "No". If "Yes" see direct contact guidelines.]

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