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Jim's Story - part eleven

Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:17:09 -0500
From: randolphus

Jim's Story by randolphus
first part linked here

part eleven - Jim learns hairdressing

I went to make lunch for us. I made soup and ham sandwiches,
when she entered, I curtseyed and stood while she ate. Kathleen
looked at me and said, "I think waiters have a towel folded over
their arm, I would like to see you that way."

Of course I said, "Yes ma'am." I folded a towel and put it over
my arm which I crooked. I felt really stupid. But I stood still.
"May I get you some water, Miss Kathleen." I said.

She said: "Yes."

I served the water. And stood looking stupid.

When she finished she said: "You may eat your lunch and after
you clean up, report to me, we are going out.

I ate quickly and cleaned up and was curtsying at her door in
less than half an hour.

She had a chain that went around my waist connected to another
chain that ran from the front to between my legs and in between
my ass to the back I had to step into it and she had a small
padlock that locked it on. She had 2 keys.

Kathleen said: "This will keep you from removing the girdle
without supervision. Put clothes on and come back."

I said: "Yes ma'am." And curtseyed. It had been several days
since I had gotten dressed. I had a wallet, keys, and a watch. I
returned to Kathleen and curtseyed.

Kathleen gave me an address, but I wasn't familiar with the area
so I entered it into the GPS device and it guided us to a small
building with a parking lot in middle of an open area, there
were no other buildings near it.

I opened the car door for Kathleen and we walked to the
entrance, I opened the door for her and we went in. Kathleen
told a pretty receptionist who she was and that she had an
appointment with Ms. Schmid. Kathleen took the only chair and I
was left standing.

After about ten minutes a tall blonde lady with a nice figure
came out. Her face was pleasant but her makeup was severe. The
lipstick was so dark it was almost black. Her eye shadow was
hard edged, giving her a haughty appearance.

She smiled at Kathleen and invited her to follow. I was
uninvited but I followed Kathleen. We went into a nicely
furnished office but it had only one visitor chair. Ms. Schmid
sat behind the desk, Kathleen sat in the chair and I stood.

Kathleen said: "This is Jim, he has been disciplined and agrees
to the program."

I know I turned red. How could Kathleen humiliate me like this?

Ms. Schmid said: "What would you like us to do?"

Kathleen said: "I want Jim to learn how to dress hair."

Ms. Schmid said: "We have a five day residence program that
provides basic cutting and styling skills, and a six week expert
course that runs in the mornings. The basic class starts in a
few hours. The expert class won't begin until February."

Kathleen said: "I will leave Jim for the beginning class and I
would like to reserve a place for him for February."

Ms. Schmid said to me: "Welcome Jim, please fill out this
application, and we will get you enrolled." She handed me a
clipboard with an application.

Kathleen said: "Here is the key to his chains." Giving Ms.
Schmid one of the keys to the padlock Kathleen had put on me

I knew I would need that key sometime sooner than later. I
filled out the application and it stipulated that I was a
masochist and was paying money to be imprisoned and beaten. I
was outraged that I was being asked to sign this.

I said: "Miss Kathleen have you seen what I'm supposed to sign?"

Kathleen said: "How would you describe it then?"

I signed.

Ms. Schmid said: "Very good, Miss Lucy will be your instructor,
the long and short of it is you will do exactly what she tells
you. You will say 'yes ma'am, no ma'am' and address her as Miss
always. Do you understand?"

Kathleen said: "He also likes to curtsy."

I said: "Yes ma'am."

A tall chubby lady came into the room with a collar and a leash.
Ms. Schmid said: "Jim, meet Miss Lucy."

I curtseyed. I don't know why I did, maybe because of Kathleen.

Lucy said: "How nice." And she put the collar on me and buckled
it and said: "Hands behind your back." And I was handcuffed
again. She pulled on the leash and I followed.

We walked through several hallways into a sort of locker room.
Lucy unlocked the handcuffs and said: "Strip down and put
everything into this locker."

I said: "Yes ma'am."

Lucy watched me undress and put my clothes into the locker until
I came to the chain keeping me from removing the embarrassing

Lucy said: "Keep that on and take off your shoes and put on
those slippers."

I said: "Yes ma'am."

Lucy said: "Class will start in fifteen minutes, it will run for
eight hours and start up again 9:00 am. There are 2 classes
every day. Tomorrow after class, there will be a discipline
session. I see you have a demerit for disrespectful behavior at
registration. You probably will get others but my advice to you
is to be careful because it can get very painful."

I said, "Thank you ma'am."

I thought she was friendly. She pulled on the leash and I
followed. She was a big girl and I thought she was somewhat
sexy. She had on a short black skirt, high heel shoes and a very
tight white blouse that exposed her large breasts. And she was
pulling my leash.

We went through a door that said it was auditorium one. Lucy
removed the collar and left me. I stood where I was left and
waited. I'm getting used to waiting.

A short Hispanic looking lady entered and said she was Miss
Maria, the room replied: "Hello Miss Maria."

I will have to remember that.

Suddenly a woman grabbed my arm and asks "what's your name?"

I told her it was Jim. She said "you earned a demerit for not
welcoming Miss Maria."

I said: "I'm sorry ma'am"

She said, "You will be." And she walked away.

Maria said: "We will continue with the shampooing lesson. You
will remember if the water is too hot, or you get shampoo into
your volunteers' eyes, you will get demerits, let's practice."

The lady who gave me a demerit showed up and said: "You may
shampoo my hair."

I said: "Thank you ma'am."

She said: "You may call me Miss Karen."

I said: "Yes Miss Karen."

We walked over to sinks with cut-outs for necks and chairs in
front of them. Karen sat in one of the chairs. I tested the
water temperature and used the hose to wet Karen's hair and
carefully added soap and shampooed it. Karen was quite lovely,
and leaning back made her skirt ride up and her breasts pushed
out. But I was concentrating on the soap suds; this lady has
already given me a demerit.

I rinsed the soap out and shampooed a second time and rinsed
that away. I don't think I scalded her or got soap in her eyes.
There were towels stacked up and I squeezed the water from her
hair and put a towel on it.

I said: "May I help you up Miss Karen?"

She said: "Yes, you did that okay for a beginner."

I said: "Thank you ma'am."

She told me to follow her and I did, admiring her legs and ass.
We arrived at a ring of chairs surrounding Miss Maria. Karen sat
in one facing outward. I stood next to her facing Maria, and the
instruction began. I put curlers into Miss Karen's hair and then
used perm solution and a hot air blower. When we finished Miss
Karen had lovely curls. I showed her hair to her with a mirror
and she smiled.

I cut a lady's hair who was not introduced to me without mishap.
She was satisfied. I was getting comfortable doing perms and
cuts. I knew there was a lot more to learn. The next lecture was
about bleaching and coloring. We were told we would have a quiz
but not actually bleach any hair. When the class was over I had
shampooed more heads than I could count and cut and curled at
least a dozen heads and no one asked my name to give me a

The class was over and I saw Lucy coming toward me with the
collar and leash.

I said: "I have to use the restroom please, Miss Lucy."

She said, "Okay"

I didn't know who had the key. I had been surprised no one
seemed to pay attention to my girdle with the chains. We went
into a tiled room with a dozen toilet stalls with no doors. Lucy
had the key and unlocked the padlock. She unsnapped the leash
from the collar and pointed to the toilet. By this time I
realized that I didn't have a right to my privacy. I went and
she watched. I put the chain back on and she snapped the lock
into it.

Lucy said: "It said on your sheet that you're toilet trained, so
you can assist me." She stood in front of one of the toilets and
I knelt down and pulled down her cute black panties. She sat and
peed, and I patted her dry and pulled her panties back up. She
got up and adjusted them.

She said, "You did fine." She snapped on the collar and led me
away. We went into a room with army style cots as far as I could
see in the dim light. She told me to lie down and my collar was
attached to a chain that was attached to the cot or something I
couldn't see.

Lucy said: "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

I said: "Good night Miss Lucy."

I realized I didn't get any dinner and went to sleep.

The next morning, Lucy unlocked the chain and attached the leash
and led me back to the toilets. After that we went for
breakfast. Lucy said I had three demerits because evidently Miss
Karen noticed that while I was washing her hair I had stared at
her breasts. Lucy said that if I only had two demerits she would
just paddle me and she thought the first demerit Karen gave me
was unfair since no one told me I had to welcome Miss Maria but
the ogling breasts was serious, and the embarrassment I caused
at registration was serious so overall it was fair what I was
going to get..

I asked what I was going to get and she said I wasn't allowed to
ask and if I asked about the place or how it was run I might get
another demerit.

It was Miss Maria again. Mostly we went over the same stuff, but
she talked about thinning hair, and different styles. She said
all the stuff would be on the quiz.

Lucy came for me, attached the leash and took me down stairs to
a large room that had maybe a dozen stocks, at first I thought
it was a gym. Lucy raised the bar on one and I knew where my
head and hands went. I had to lean over a bar and Lucy strapped
me to it so I couldn't move. My feet were left free.

Lucy said: "One of the staff who doesn't know you will come and
give you thirty strokes with a strap. When she is done, you have
to stay here for an hour. Then I will come and get you. On your
sheet, it says that you have been trained to say thanks and
count the strokes. The same rules will be in effect."

Then Miss Lucy unlocked my chains and pulled down my girdle to
my ankles.

I couldn't move much. The girdle effectively fettered my legs. A
lady introduced herself as Miss Stacy, but I couldn't see her.

Of course I said: "Hello Miss Stacy."

Then it was pain like I had never experienced before. I
screamed: "Thank you Miss Stacy, One."

She said: "One what? You say one stroke. We are doing this


I screamed again "Thank you Miss Stacy, One stroke."

Slowly we got to 30. Actually 34, I think.

I was blubbering and sniffing. And I had an hour to hang here.
Miss Stacy who I hadn't seen up until now took out a Kleenex and
wiped my eyes and nose. Then she left.

After a very long time Miss Lucy came along and released me from
the stocks. I pulled up my girdle and Miss Lucy locked it. She
attached the leash and took me to the afternoon class.

Everyone said: "Hello Miss Maria." And we all received quizzes
which we filled out sitting on the floor on a clipboard. The
material was easy and the questions were straightforward. Then
we did more shampooing and cutting.

Miss Lucy came back for me and led me back to toilets where we
both went again and I was fastened to the cot. I imagined Miss
Lucy using me when I knelt between her legs, and I felt myself
getting aroused. Then I went to sleep.

The next morning I noticed Miss Lucy in a different way. I
wanted her. She had said that if I only had 1 or 2 demerits she
would just paddle me. I imagined lying over her plump thighs. I
decided to stop those thoughts because I was beginning to think
women could tell when I was thinking about them.

At breakfast, Miss Lucy said: "After breakfast I'm going to
discipline you in my room."

That proved to me that when I lust after a woman they know it.
We went to Lucy's room, which was very small but had a sink and
toilet and of course a bed. Lucy was wearing an orange mini
skirt and a white blouse; she had on high heeled strappy shoes.
Lucy closed the door. She removed my chains and told me to take
off my girdle, and then to stand in the corner. I don't know
what she was doing but I stood for five or ten minutes.

Lucy said, "Okay, over my knee."

I turned and saw that she had pulled up her mini skirt and I
could see her blue panty, but I didn't stand and ogle her, I got
over her knee. While lying there, she was rubbing my ass and
saying that she had given me a demerit so that she could bring
me to her room for punishment instead of the stocks.

Remember your spanking rules. You must thank me and count the
strokes. And then she started the paddling. It was painful but
not as painful as the strap was yesterday. Occasionally she
would hit a tender spot that made me suck in air and shudder.
But I thanked Miss Lucy 12 times for whacking me and no strokes
were repeated. As I got up, I could see that Miss Lucy was

I asked if I could be of service and she told me to take her
panties off. I knelt down and took them off, they were blue, and
she slammed my face into her pussy. She smelled different than
Kathleen and Sarah, but I found it attractive. I think she came
in a few minutes but she held me and I didn't slow down. I think
I stayed there for at least fifteen minutes.

She fell back onto her bed, and told me to stand in the corner
in her tiny room for an hour. She said it was required. I
thought to myself, who but she and I would know.

My face was covered with moisture from Lucy's pussy. And I felt
abused but I guessed that's what this was all about.

Lucy said: "Press yourself into the corner."

I muttered: "Yes Ma'am."

Lucy said: "No talking and no moving."

I was supposed to think about why I was being punished. Lucy
wanted an assignation in her room and gave me a demerit. Then
she gave me an erotic but unnecessarily hard spanking over her
luscious thighs. That made her horny and I satisfied her. I
smiled inside.

Finally Lucy announced that my hour was over and we could go to
class. She fastened the leash to the collar and handcuffed me
and we marched out of her tiny room.

The class was more of the same, I tried new things and
hairdressing is not so hard. There is art to it and I found it

After class Miss Karen fastened her leash to me, handcuffed me
and led me away. I was puzzled but, she had nice legs and a
pretty face but and she held a leash, so I followed. I realized
we were headed to the little rooms. Miss Karen's room was about
the same size as Miss Lucy's but it was laid out differently.

Miss Karen unleashed me, unlocked my chains and told me to
strip. She said she wanted to examine the results of the
strapping I got for the demerits she awarded me. She told me to
lie across her lap. I did.

I guess she examined me. She then told me to get on my knees in
front of her. She told me to pull down her panties, black ones.
I did so gladly. And then I got to put my face in yet another
pussy that smelled different than any other. I guess I liked it.
It took a very long time and when it happened she just kept
pressing my head into her with one hand and she was rubbing her
breast with the other. My knees actually got sore on the padded
carpet, we stayed there so long.

She didn't make me stand in the corner. She decided to use the
toilet and me. I patted her dry and helped her up and put her
black panties back on. I asked if I may use her toilet, and she
said no, I was not allowed to. I had to use the `public' ones
but she would take me there.

I put on the girdle, she fastened the chain, she put on the
leash, she handcuffed me, and off we went. I felt like I had
been passed around. Are you a prostitute if you don't have a
choice? I asked myself. I didn't think so.

In the afternoon class I had the privilege of shampooing and
trimming Ms. Schmid. We had another quiz. I got something wrong
but it earned a demerit.

Miss Lucy came for me and said I had a demerit that she didn't
give, but since it was only one, that she would punish me

I said: "Thank you Miss Lucy."

We went to her room.

I was released from leash, handcuffs, and chains and told to
strip and stand in the corner. It's not the standing in the
corner that bothered me as much as the dismissal. But I knew it
was counterproductive to resist.

After about five or ten minutes Lucy said I may kneel down in
front of her.

She said: "Take off my pants."

I said: "Yes ma'am." And took off yellow panties that I would
have toyed with but Miss Lucy was not looking patient.

I peeled them down her legs and when her feet and legs were free
they were wrapped around my head. Then her hands helped pull my
head in. I really liked servicing Lucy, she smelled good, she
came quickly, she liked to come several times and she liked me.
Afterwards, I knew it was afterward because her feet were on the
floor and she pushed my head away, I was allowed to continue to
kneel and admire Lucy's pussy.

She said: "I was leaving tomorrow morning. But I had to have my
demerit cleared otherwise I couldn't leave."

I didn't see any problem so I continued my concentration of the
lovely pussy.

She said, "I can't properly spank you after that."

I couldn't understand because yesterday after I ate her she
mercilessly put me into the corner. So I continued my studies,
thinking I would eat her some more if she wanted it.

She said maybe I could stay in her room tonight and she would
spank me in the morning.

I didn't think my opinion was actually being sought, but I liked
being in her room, between her thighs. Then she said, she would
get Karen to administer the punishment. She had me put her
panties back on, and told me to go back into the corner.

I waited for maybe twenty minutes, then Miss Karen and Miss Lucy
came back into the tiny room. Lucy sat on the bed and Karen sat
on the chair. Karen is going to spank you and I will make sure
you stay in the corner for an hour.

Karen said, "You may lie across my knee."

I thought this was incredibly sexy. Karen had pulled her tiny
skirt up, so I could see her black panties. I lay across her

She said: "You have been trained to thank the spanker and count
the strokes so you will do that."

I said yes ma'am. And my butt once again exploded with pain and
I thanked Miss Karen and counted one stroke. I was surprised
when it didn't stop at ten. The paddle kept thumping down and it
stopped at twenty. I didn't know why.

Karen left. Lucy told me to stand very tightly in the corner.
And that was all. I was so happy to go home. It was because I
loved my wife and Miss Kathleen who started it all.

I never learned why I got twenty strokes. I slept on the carpet
of Miss Lucy's room. She chained me to a cabinet handle for the
night. It was a little silly. She woke me very early and said I
had to be ready in two hours.

What do we have to do to get ready I asked, she didn't answer
but pulled me into the toilet to wipe her. I helped her pull up
her panties and get up. She took my hand and pulled me over to
her bed where she sat down and pulled me down to the floor. I
was kneeling in front of her again.

I thought that I was happy to be here, but this lady was a
nympho. I haven't had my face in a pussy that long ever before.

"May I wash my face?" I asked.

Miss Lucy said, "Its not allowed."

I said: "Miss Lucy would you please take me to the public

She said: "Yes, but you have to be chained, leashed, and

I washed my face so I wouldn't smell like Miss Lucy.

I was led to Ms. Schmid's office and I saw my dear Kathleen.

Lucy removed the leash and put me facing the wall across from

Ms. Schmid said: "Have the demerits been accounted for?"

Ms. Lucy said: "Yes, Ms. Schmid."

Ms. Schmid said: "Can we invite him back?"

Ms. Lucy said: "Yes, Ms. Schmid."

Ms. Schmid said to Kathleen: "Thank you for bringing Jim to us.
It seems he is a natural hair dresser and we will welcome him in

read part twelve here

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A most interesting vignette. However, I think Lucy and Karen
should have had Jim pay homage, a verbal tribute to their
wonderful unique anatomy. Like say.....

In the toilet Lucy ordered, "Jim remove my panties. Now look.
Look very well."

She bent low, knees straight. The glorious ample ass rose high,
bobbed then gyrated. Dark amber pubic tufts showed delightfully.
She arose, then peed holding her skirt high. She touched her
lipstick and simultaneously pointed at her still dripping bush
then motioned me forward. Pushing my head into it she ordered,
"lick me clean."

I complied with alacrity.

"Kneel, now your best sincere verbal homage please!"

"Queen Goddess Lucy, your body temple is unique and fits my
fantasy of the beautiful Mistress of my dreams. The derriere so
fine. Firm yet soft smooth globes create the ass to die for. Oh
to knead, kiss and playfully spank that gorgeous thing. And the
copious springing tendrils that create a hirsute dream for me.
It so wonderfully tickled my loving face just now. And the
aroma, yes the aroma, and the tasty salty juicy blend, they
have me floating. Oh thank you Goddess for this reward."

To be continued. Karen's verbal tribute tomorrow.


Continuation of my reply to Jim's Story # 11:

When Lucy takes Jim to her room I imagine this scene: "Jim, your
earlier verbal was nice. Kathleen is lucky to have you as total
slave, but right now you are under my control. You will now
serve me as you would Kathleen. What does she really dig."

"Her menu is long and varied. But corporal, body worship,
exhibition are favorites - and in endless varied forms."

"Body worship? Sounds most interesting. Tell me, Jim, do you
worship all her body."


"Um, yes sounds good. But she's not here so we will do it my

"Wonderful Miss Lucy."

Lucy began slowly undressing. "You have not seen all of me." She
cupped and lifted gorgeous mounds. "You may kiss me now."

A really good kiss - two tongues searching mouths - now suckling
ramrod nips that jutted like soldiers.

With heavy panting breath she continued slowly removed each
remaining garment. As if on stage she strutted, turned, and
gyrated. A gorgeous naked Lucy now cavorted in wonderful poses.

"I enjoyed, so much, your complements on my derriere earlier
today. Let me present it formally right now."

She turned, bent over, thrusting it high as possible. A slow
gyration. "You may kiss me now, intimately."

A mouth smack on each mounding cheek. then the hard press of
lips deep between the crease - quick but full contact made.

She arose, "a very good start, slave Jim." She verily pranced
around the bed then raising legs high, then back over her head,
knees tight. which again presented the ample ass so wonderfully.

He virtually dove in. Quick kisses all over that ample treasure
of fine girl ass, ending with deep thrust into the crease from
which peeped electric curled tufts He rose, then lay beside her.

"Lucy, may I begin my worship with kissing first your lips"

"Oh yes, yes!"

They kissed like beginning high school lovers for several
minutes. So fine. Neck nibbling, ear nipping, blowing in each
ear. Then a another long two- tongues searching kiss.

"Hands clasped on your neck please."

She looked surprised but complied. He suckled, nibbled, then a
real tongue washing.

"I love that you have not shaved there."

In arousal Goddess odors and tastes are another treat for
adoring slaves. Twenty minutes more of kissing nearly all her
skin. And the eating. So marvelous. The cleft, hair sprouting,
leaping, twining. And then, this time not a quick lip-peck, but
a full blown expression from slave to Goddess that her puckered
rose was his treasure too.

"Lucy, I can verbalize a tribute, but my tongue wagging,
searching, thrusting, says more that my best uttered words. And
indeed, Lucy, you possess a body temple that all men would
covet. A wonderful treat to fully adore each and every inch and
every dimple, aperture, and limb."

John Barton

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