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Medical Sounds hurt when stretching

Date: 30 Mar 2010 22:48:49 -0000
From: Pat gwpm

I have been a long time reader of DOMestic and have read a lot
of very good advice. I have a question I have never seen

Medical Sounds. I have a new set and want to use them to stretch
my penis so it can eventually accept an insert with a ring. When
I insert the sound which is large enough to stretch it, it
hurts. Should it?

If I leave it in, will the urethra expand to accept it and
eventually not hurt? That is how I was able to get my body to
accept a dildo.

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Pat gwpm wrote:

>a question I have never seen addressed.

Strange. I thought we'd discussed almost everything in the last
13 years. :-) I remember part of your question was discussed as
recently as last August in the thread "penis plug urethral play"
which I found using the blog search engine.

We haven't password protected the 2009 archive yet, so that is
available to everyone for now anyway.

>Medical Sounds. I have a new set and want to use them to
>stretch my penis so it can eventually accept an insert with a
>ring. When I insert the sound which is large enough to stretch
>it, it hurts. Should it?

My instinct says, if it hurts something might be going wrong so
slow down or stop.

Is the pain at the opening (the tip) or internal? See below for
why this might be relevant...

>If I leave it in, will the urethra expand to accept it and
>eventually not hurt? That is how I was able to get my body to
>accept a dildo.

In the "penis plug urethral play" thread I mention above, "Dale"

"Stretching a urethral opening is not the same as stretching an
anus... the urethral opening is NOT a sphincter... it is merely
an opening. It must be stretched VERY slowly over a long time or
it will tear (no fun). However, the urethra itself (the tube
inside the penis) is very stretchy and will handle much larger
sizes than the opening."

There is quite a bit more discussion there.

For those of you with a password, there is also the member's
area and I put the word "urethra" into the member's only search


and I found a total of 64 results. Just looking at the first
page I see quite a lot which may be of interest to you. Then
using the advanced search I found the "Butter Fingers" thread
and clicking "index" at the bottom of that page took me to a
whole section on "Catheters and Penile Penetration".

David at Ms-Christine.com

The DOMestic discussion list. Now in our thirteenth year. The
password site now has over 6,700 files with well over 400
stories, plus pictures, and hundreds of articles. $26.99 for a
one year password. $16.99 for six months at



Pat gwpm asked about medical sounds...

Yes, you'll have some pain stretching. Make sure you're using
plenty of lube so that the pain is at a tolerable level. You
should only step up to the next largest size when you no longer
have pain from the size you've been using.

Also, be sure you sterilize your sounds prior to use. When you
stretch you'll actually be abrading the sensitive tissues which
may expose you to any bacteria on the sounds.



I do not endorse sounds at all! If you are trying to stretch
your urethra from meatus to bladder then you are going to have
some pain.

For safety reasons I do not use sounds. I only use Foley
Catheters that I buy from AllegroMedical. There is no RX needed,
and you can buy any size you need up to a 30fr. Make sure that
you start small. I would say a 14fr then wear that for a week.
take a week off and then go for 16fr and so on and so on until
you reach the size you want.

Make sure that you get a foley catheter with a balloon size no
larger than 5cc as anything larger causes bladder spasms that
cause extreme pain and blood in the bag.

You will need the following:

Foley catheter
insertion tray
leg/bed bag (i say get both)
extension tube
catheter plug

It is not "Cheap" but it is so worth it as it feels amazing!

I would also get a set of diapers as if you have a bladder spasm
you may release urine around the catheter and trust me it is red
and not fun to clean.

I have downsized to a 5cc balloon and had no problems. I do wear
a diaper over my catheter just in case but wear tights over it
to minimize the visual size and sound. Wrestling singlets work

ask if you have any questions. I am more than willing to talk
you through it :-)



once a sound is inserted and pain tolerable, how long should it
be kept in to achieve best stretching results? Assuming just
inserting and taking it back out soon after not as ideal as
leaving in for hour or so?? Does that make a difference?


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