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urine promotes breast growth?

Date: 19 Mar 2010 08:54:39 -0000
From: lorrainetv

Re: is piss drinking harmful?

I am a transvestite and have been told that urine promotes
breast growth, can anyone verify that for me please?

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Can find no evidence supporting the theory. I'd ask for evidence
before following this advice.


Lorraine, I have to say I agree with shywon:

one should be careful in the drinking of urine, as in; if the
person whose urine you are drinking has an infection. You
could/can get this yourself.

I advise all my friends and those I train to know the person
they are interacting with i.e. KNOW THEIR MEDICAL HISTORY.
You often can't undo what you have done, and no one's life is
worth it.

With a lot of sadistic affection

Ms. Irish



lorrainetv wrote:

>I am a transvestite and have been told that urine promotes
>breast growth, can anyone verify that for me please?

This hypothesis (or myth) is probably based on the likelihood of
some hormones being present in the urine

While the fantasy of being made to grow breasts by consuming the
golden nectar of your Mistress is obviously attractive to a
submissive TV, I would suggest that the best way to take
hormones is under the direction of a qualified medical
practitioner, and in precise quantities, rather than in random
and unknown amounts that may or may not be present in the urine.

Beyond that, women taking birth control pills may indeed have
entirely the wrong balance of hormones to achieve your
objective. They may also have traces of other medications in the
urine, or worse.

It would definitely be wiser to look into exactly which hormones
or preparations are likely to achieve the desired results, and
what side effects they may have.

sincerely, Christine

The Fem Dom Training Software.
Advises on how best to train your husband/lover.

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