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TES Fest 2010 - July 2nd to 5th

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 16:59:07 -0000
From: "thrash999"

TES Fest 2010 - Find Your Freedom - July 2-5, 2010

TES Fest 2010 will be held at a 3 star hotel in Piscataway, NJ.
We will have the entire hotel for the weekend. There will be
no shuttle buses to ride, everything all in the same place.

We have tons of classes, great vendors, and fabulous play-space
setup by The Crucible. Come out and relax and play. No stress.
Cool people. Who needs the beach when we have a pool all to
ourselves? What more do you want for a holiday weekend.

About TES Fest

TES Fest is the annual gathering for the BDSM and sex-positive
communities to celebrate the steps TES's founding fathers took
in 1971: the opportunity to find our freedom.

Taking place over the Fourth of July weekend, TES Fest is the
premiere event in the NYC Metro region for everyone (from
amateurs to seasoned veterans) to socialize, learn new skills
and simply have a great time. With classes and special events
covering the gamut of topics and special interests, TES Fest
allows people to explore, educate and entertain themselves in a
healthy, safe and sane environment.

Check website for updates

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