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Halloween FemDom Tricks and Treats

Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 13:16:36 -0400
From: Danielle

Hi Friends,

Since Halloween is upon us and it is my favorite holiday I'm
scheming a day full of humiliations for my slave/hubby. We live
in a fairly large US city and for others interested, I thought
it would be fun to create a wicked treasure hunt that will make
our boys blush on the one day they can be out in public in
costume. I'll share what I'm thinking and would love it if other
doms would join in with ideas...

I haven't decided on his costume yet - however last year I had
him wear yellow medical scrubs, along with a large black leather
collar and leather shackles. I also used a felt pen to write
subtle but humiliating messages on his scrubs, i.e., Property of
Danielle, Tiny. Nothing too overt however humiliating for him.

As for the treasure hunt I am thinking that I would send him in
costume and here is what I have come up with so far:

Extra small condom

Panties in his size

A raw hide dog bone which he would have to carry out of the
store in his mouth (I think it is safe to do that on Halloween
and be respectful of people who are not in the scene... at least
where we live).

Do you have any other ideas?

Tricks and Treats,


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