# Re: C: Jim's penis corset
# Re: C: chaste slavery triangle - polyamory problems
# C: all alone here
# admin: June to November 2010 update
# S: Jim's Story - part thirty-one
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Re: C: Jim's penis corset
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 17:12:08 -0000
From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
surferslave wrote:
>interested in the "penis corset" mentioned in Jim's Story. Is
>that a commercially available item? Where is it available?
I can't speak for the author "randolphus" but it's my impression
that the story is fiction, and that Jim's penis corset is
probably also fictional. "Jim" appears to wear it in the story
for long periods, and that is usually problematic.
My experience with using penis corsets on David is that for
hygiene reasons it's unwise to use the same leather device on
the genital area continuously. For long term use, one wants
something washable.
Over thirty years ago we bought a penis corset from Pamela
Young's organisation in Bristol UK (now probably defunct). It
came with a sharp spiked pad and a blunt spiked pad. You could
use either pad inside the outer penis corset. Or if you just
wanted a corset without causing suffering you could use it
without either pad.
The sharp spikes are drawing pins (thumb tacks) which have their
heads sealed between two leather sheets so that the spikes
surround the penis pointing inwards.
If one fits the sharp spikes on him when he is very soft, and
ties the laces tightly, then any erections or arousal is quite
seriously punished when he expands with arousal. You can vary
the degree of course by fitting it not so tightly when he is
hard. If one uses the blunt spikes, pain is encountered but
without all the little piercings of the male member.
The use of the word "corset" implies a lace-up device. But I had
David adapt the design by adding a locking strap around the base
of the penis and balls. But that didn't make it useful as a
serious long term chastity device.
You could of course make a penis corset at home, and use the
design of one of ours at:-
as a guide. If you don't want it to have spikes in the corset,
just make it without using the thumb tacks/drawing pins. If you
make one at home, then you can treat it as disposable or even
make several so that the same one is not in use continuously.
I did a Google search and see a device described as a "Leather
Cock Corset" without spikes is on sale at something over twenty
dollars nowadays.
Leather Cock Corset on wartenbergwheel.com
The link given is not a recommendation, or otherwise, just a
random selection. Something described as a "Strict Leather
Stallion Guard" is perhaps more adaptable to use with a locking
strap and is on sale at Amazon for around $30.

Strict Leather Stallion Guard
These items are obviously toys, and like my own spiked home made toys they are no doubt fun to impose on him for a short while. Penis corsets are probably best used as toys for short term play. For longer term I'd advice taking a look at a serious chastity device. And there has been much recent discussion of the Chastity Heaven cages on the blog at:-
and I took a look at the range on their web site today, and they
do look nice, and being stainless steel are obviously washable,
but much more expensive than toys.
The Fem Dom Training Software.
Advises on how best to train your husband/lover.
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Re: C: chaste slavery triangle - polyamory problems
From: "David" at u4ds.com
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 18:46:17 -0000
bianconigliO wrote:
>Two years ago a very new and exciting part of my relationship
>with my love started. She fell in love with another man.
How did this exciting departure come about? Was this as a result
of your prompting her to take a lover? Did you want to be
>It was a sexual rollercoaster the first year. They were quite
>cruel with me, they kept me orgasmless for months using a
>steel tube, and they were passionately in love with each other
>and having a lot of fun. Intoxicating circumstances I can
>assure you.
It sounds very exciting. And obviously this situation was
enjoyable for you because you could be part of the triangle in a
way which fitted with your own submissive fantasies. In effect
you were all three involved in playing together so that when she
enjoyed her other lover you were included by virtue of the
imposed chastity. Had you previously enjoyed cuckold fantasies
as well?
>But, the last months much of the playing with me has stopped.
>Both are in love with each other, and it seems to have become
>a very vanilla relationship. The idea of keeping me chaste, and
>only using me as a servant, was really a turn on, for her and
>for him. But this disappeared. They seem bored with this game.
This is the essence of the problem for you. While they imposed
chastity, suffering and servitude on you, then you were part of
the love triangle. Your needs were being met.
Now their needs are being met by each other, and yours are
seemingly ignored. If they are in your words "bored with this
game" then what is needed is to find a new game plan that would
excite them as well as you.
Why don't you ask them what you can do to excite them both? Have
you tried asking them how you can stimulate their interest in
your submission to them.
>She has said on occasions she wanted me more masculine and
>more like a lover...
This then is perhaps the essence of the problem. You were not
able to satisfy her needs. In a partnership or marriage both
people need to find ways in which they can both get their needs
Was she only being cruel to you to satisfy your needs? Was she
reluctant to be the sadist for you, or is this something she
truly enjoyed doing to you? I guess I'm asking whether she was
and is sadistic by nature?
You also say...
>but for me it is difficult, to change back.
Is this something she has said she now wants? Does she truly
love the other man? Or would she be happier with you as her
"lover" if you would only satisfy her own needs?
>The fact that she has a lover puts me in a subservient state
>of mind, all the time. At the same time, she is very much used
>to another way of love making and acts really spoiled in that
>area. She does not want to keep me chaste anymore, and it
>seems she wants to take off the rough edges of the triangle,
>preferring to have two 'normal' equal lovers.
Have you discussed any of this with her then? Has she actually
said that she wants, in your words, "two 'normal' equal lovers"?
Or is this something you have decided because they are not
playing your game any more?
>I would like to have some advice from you. Perhaps someone had
>similar experiences?
So far nobody else on DOMestic has replied to you. I do hope
someone with similar experiences can offer you their own
insight. Meantime, I'll do my best...
>How do I go about it. How do I interest him or her in playing
>with me again, in one way or another?
You say "him or her". Does this mean that you would be happy to
submit to any needs, sexual or otherwise, that he may have
without her active participation?
It's possible that he may not feel able to use you himself as
the relationship was never openly discussed and this option may
not have been offered to him.
>It is plenty for me to just know that they enjoy keeping me a
>subservient and chaste slave. I feel I need that kind of
>domination to enjoy the triangle.
You must also consider what they need to enjoy the triangle, and
the simplest way to find that out is to ask each of them if they
are interested in either dominating you, being cruel to you, or
using you for anything at all, either separately or together.
If they both say that the idea doesn't interest them any more,
then you may have to consider whether you wish to try to fulfil
your wife's needs yourself and "compete" with her lover for her
attentions. Perhaps this is what she wants?
It is also possible that she would enjoy rejecting you and being
cruel to you, if she were able to believe you really wanted her
as a lover. It's possible you've become to uninteresting and
boring to dominate because you were too willing to give up your
"conjugal" relationship with her.
She may need more signs from you that you need and want her in
the conventional ways that her other lover shows her that he
needs and wants her. That may make the triangle more exciting
for her.
Download "Games People Play" by David at
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C: all alone here
From: "Christine and David" at u4ds.com
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 16:48:31 -0000
Since the last digest on the 31st October, we, the moderators,
are the only people who have posted any messages to DOMestic.
Can anybody explain why that is? Have you all lost interest?
Anyway, with only us posting, and an ongoing story we are
posting from "randolphus", there is not much in this digest. If
you don't start posting, then we'll have to fish around in the
archives for interesting messages to re-post for the next
Christine and David at Ms-Christine.com
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admin: June to November 2010 update
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 00:21:27 -0000
From: "Christine"
I've now completed and uploaded the June to November 2010 update
to the members only web site.
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Christine at u4ds.com
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S: Jim's Story - part thirty-one
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 18:26:40 -0400
From: randolphus
Jim's Story by randolphus
first part linked here
part thirty-one - Nevada Sunshine
I woke up when light came in the window. I lay in bed thinking
the nicest thing I could do was make coffee and breakfast for
the lovely lady. Then I realized I had not gotten permission.
Should I wake her up? I wondered, but do I need permission to
wake her up.
I realized that staying in bed is sometimes called sleeping in
and I didn't have permission for that either. Yesterday she said
I had permission to make breakfast and clean the kitchen. She
neither said only then or forever. On the other hand she has
given me permissions limited to the afternoon.
I decided to assume I had permission and got up made coffee,
cleaned up what little was sitting around and made eggs Benedict
without the additional egg yolks in the sauce. With the other
half of the grape fruit sectored; breakfast was ready. I took
the goddess coffee.
Betty woke and said: "I smell coffee, who made the coffee?"
I said as nonchalantly as I could: "I did Miss Betty."
She said: "What else did you do?"
I said in the same casual way: "I made breakfast and cleaned the
She said: "Did I give you permission?"
I said: "Yes ma'am, you told me yesterday I could make breakfast
and clean the kitchen."
Betty said: "Okay, you did not disobey me, you're just stupid.
You see why it's best to lock you up, you can't get into
trouble. The problem you have made for me is that I'm not giving
you a hard thrashing for making me breakfast. But you have
broken my most basic rule for the third time in two days. You
are incorrigible. Maybe the strap or cane will help you change.
Now consider yourself under punishment."
I said: "Yes ma'am, I'm very sorry ma'am."
I got her robe and put it on her. She went to the toilet and I
patted her dry. We went into the kitchen and I served her the
grapefruit and warmed up the coffee, I nuked the sauce and
toasted the muffins and heated up the bacon. The poached eggs
were in the oven. I served it to her. She liked it a lot. She
ate both eggs.
I stood by hoping she would stop being angry.
Betty said: "While you are under my punishment you may not look
at me or talk except to answer me. You may drink water but you
may not eat anything at all. Also you may not kiss my feet when
you report. Normally you would be in restraints but I want you
to work."
She still had a fork in her hand. I was waiting to remove her
plate. I wanted to do something for her. I wanted to say
something but she said I couldn't talk. I peeked out of the
corner of my eye at her face and she looked unhappy.
Betty said: "Clean this up and then go stand in the corner."
I curtsied and said: "Yes ma'am." I put my hands on my head. I
heard her moving around.
Then I heard her bell, so I moved next to her chair and curtsied
and then stood at attention.
She said: "You're not under my control; you do anything you want
I said: "I only want to do what you want;" I thought that would
be better than to argue the point that she gave ambiguous
She said: "How do you know what I want?"
I said: "Mostly because you tell me."
She said: "What else?"
I said: "I use my brain, I remember what you like; I know in
general what most people like and my experience."
She said: "I punished you twice for doing things that I didn't
give permission."
I said: "Miss Betty, I believe I have to do whatever you tell
me. I believe that I can't wake you up and ask permission to fix
coffee. I believe that I can't just lie around in bed in the
morning and do nothing without instructions from you. I think
and here is where I get into trouble that you would be happier
with me if you had a warm cup of coffee than not."
Betty said: "Are you afraid I'm going to beat you?"
I said: "Yes ma'am; that is frightening, but I will happily take
all the beatings you want to give to get your forgiveness."
Betty said: "Get me more coffee then go back into the corner."
I curtsied and said: "Yes ma'am;" got the coffee for her,
presented it and curtsied again and went to stand in the corner.
Betty said: "What you do for me is all good. Last night I looked
good and I had a whole new experience of being attractive and
you did that and I'm grateful. But what we have here is a
struggle of who is the master and who is the slave. If you went
into the kitchen and ate some cheese after I told you not to, I
would have no problem thrashing you until you're unconscious.
But I have a problem with beating you for doing something nice
for me. And I have a problem that you do things without
permission. So should I give you the strap?"
Betty said: "Answer me."
I said: "Miss Betty, I'm standing in the corner because you told
me to. I do what you tell me to do."
Betty said: "No moving or talking." I heard her go into her
bedroom. Then she came back.
Betty said: "I want to feel that I control you completely. That
control comes from knowing that what you are doing is because I
let you do it. First you're a wonderful guy. But I cannot accept
you doing whatever you want. I think if I had the time and you
were willing I could make over your attitude. But since you
aren't mine, and I don't want to damage your skin too much, and
you have a lot of work to do. I'm going to give up. You have
permission to get up in the morning and make coffee, make
breakfast, clean the kitchen, bathroom or any other room, or do
any productive work you want to and you can buy me all the
presents you want, from now until we move into Sarah's house.
Okay you won."
I said: "Miss Betty, I can hear you're disappointed with me.
What can I do?"
Betty said: "Be yourself: I will talk to Sarah and maybe they
will put you in my hands for a while and we can change you. I'm
going to lay back and enjoy your company for the remainder of
this move. That doesn't mean you can do anything you want. I'm
just cutting you some slack in the morning while I'm sleeping.
The alternative is to lock you in the discipline room. But then
who doesn't get coffee and breakfast served to them in the
I felt sadder than before. I have defeated this goddess. I said:
"Please don't give up on me. Abandoning me is worse than any
Betty came up behind me and said: "Cheer up Jim, like you said,
I told you to stand here and you're standing here. For doing
what I tell you, I'll give you an A+ and I love you for that.
Taking you the way you are is a joy. If my sister wants me to
work on you, then I will; I don't think you would describe that
an enjoyable experience but you need it."
I stood for a while, maybe 30 minutes.
Betty rang her bell and I moved from the corner to next to her
chair, curtsied and then stood at attention; she was wearing a
black teddy and had a black strap in her hand. I'm not supposed
to move while I'm waiting but I wanted to get on my knees.
Betty said: "Are you disappointed that you didn't get the
I said: "Miss Betty my joy is pleasing you however I can."
Betty said: "I see how you seduce us ladies. But someday I will
take you to a place where your only joy will be not suffering
pain. You will gaze at me with fear not desire like you are now.
But we can't do that here and now."
Betty said: "Lie across this chair. You know the drill, if you
move I will tie you down and start over with double the count.
No matter how much it hurts, remember it could hurt a lot more."
I heard her grunt, and then an explosion in my body like a five
hundred volt electric shock. It traveled from my butt through my
whole body to my brain. Nobody had ever struck me like that. I
was breathless but I managed: "Thank you Miss Betty one."
In midst of my count I got another similar stroke, I can't stand
this. It's inhuman. I wanted to run away. I said: "Thank you
Miss Betty two. Please no more."
Betty said: "You're begging after two strokes, imagine being
tied down and getting fifty." And I heard her grunt again and
another explosion.
I began crying: "Thank you Miss Betty, three. I really can't
take this."
Betty said: "I'm just warming up. You have to take it. You have
no choice."
The next stroke went vertical and hit my butt and the back of my
left leg, the whole area was on fire and it really hurt: "Thank
you Miss Betty three, Pleeeeze I will never disappoint you
Betty said: "Very nice, but after I give you a few hundred of
these I will be more willing to believe you."
Another grunt and it was another vertical stroke on the other
side, my right leg reflexively folded and I almost fell but I
hung on with my hands: "Thank you Miss Betty four. Not so hard
please ma'am."
Unh... Thwack
I could feel Betty exerting herself next to me: I exploded with
pain like on the first stroke: "Thank you Miss Betty, five,
please please no more I just can't take this."
Unh.. Thwack.
My right side right on top, it must be cut open and bleeding:
"Thank you Miss Betty six but that's enough I think I'm
Unh... Thwack
My left side again and it's bleeding. "Thank you Miss Betty
seven. We shouldn't get blood on the floor here."
Betty said: "I'm not worried, you'll clean it up." She grunted
and... Thwack.
That was really hard; I'm in so much pain: "Thank you Miss Betty
eight. I will never disappoint you again."
Betty said: "Nice to hear, say it again." Betty grunted and
I have so much respect for this woman. "Thank you Miss Betty
nine. I will never disappoint you again."
Betty grunted and it thwacked so hard I fell forward: "Thank you
Miss Betty ten. I love you so much."
Betty laughed: "You see how a little whipping changes your
perspective. Imagine hours of this with nothing to look forward
to but hours more of pain. I would love to take you through that
experience; get back into the corner and no moving."
I curtsied and I wanted to stare but it wasn't allowed so I
shuffled back into the corner, my skin hurt when I straightened
my knees.
A minute later Betty took my hands and handcuffed them behind
me. I'd had no water or food that morning and I was still not
dressed. She called that a little whipping but it really changed
me. I don't know how I could have disappointed Betty. What was I
How can my point of view change like this? I wondered. Betty
looked so attractive in her black teddy. After what I guess is
an hour of mulling over this again and again. Betty unlocked the
handcuffs and guided me down on my knees in front of her chair
where she sits.
She looks so beautiful and majestic and refreshed. I've been
crying, my nose has been running and I haven't shaved and I'm
hungry and thirsty and I need to go to the bathroom. She is so
powerful and I am a defeated cur.
She took a Kleenex and dried my face. I said: "May I kiss your
Betty said: "That would be nice; your punishment is over now.
You can get something to eat. Or maybe you would like what's
This was the most welcome invitation in my life. I kissed her
toes, legs, knees, thighs and I kept kissing her thighs. Betty
reached down and unsnapped the crotch of her teddy and she
grabbed my hair and placed my head into her pussy. I so love
this lady.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Craigslist callers responded to our ads. We had multiple callers
for each item we advertised; mainly because I set the prices
very low.
I had to take the restraints off the bed in the discipline room.
A prospective buyer was coming to look at the bed and dresser.
I was negotiating with a speculator who was considering buying
the place. He was making a low offer but he was willing to take
the place as is.
I also had contractors bidding on painting and concrete work to
the front walkway. I estimated that the low offer was not much
lower than the price minus the agents' fees minus the repairs
and likely carrying costs for three to six months.
Carrying costs for a year made the offer price a wash. Housing
prices were not actually going up; there were too many houses on
the market. Betty elected to accept the offer.
Part 32 on the DOMestic blog this evening - http://u4ds.com/
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