# C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play
# Re: C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play x4
# C: I am unproven as a sub
# Re: C: I am unproven as a sub
# C: Introduction - Domestic Discipline
# Re: C: Introduction - Domestic Discipline x 3
# C: domestic humiliation and paddling
# Re: C: Birdlocked male chastity belt in silicone
# Re: C: Do Mistresses ever TAKE a "vanilla" male?
# Poem: My Heart Grows Ever Fonder
# Re: Poem: My Heart Grows Ever Fonder
# Re: C: electric with anticipation of being zapped
# Re: C: femdom community for over 60s
# C: Governance from Madame Fem Dom compendium
# Re: C: Hood Reviews - FemDom rubber fetish reality
# Re: C: nuked begins a new relationship x 2
# P: Denial the fantasy and the reality
# Re: P: Denial the fantasy and the reality
# Re: P: fag pig dog bitch - online or phone slave x 2
# S: Dress Code - Chapter 1
# Re: S: Dress Code - Chapter 1
# S: Jim's Story - part thirty-seven
# Re: S: Jim's Story - part thirty-seven
Reply by email or post your message to DOMestic at:-
The Fem Dom Training Program.
Train your husband/lover.
* * * start of the digest * * *
C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:49:23 +0000
From: Autumn
I'm a 61 year old woman, since a few years on my own again after
a long and for the latter part most unfulfilling marriage of
which the last 5 years we slept separately.
Since 5 months I have a 'relationship' that stutters on a few
cylinders. We live about 500 miles apart, and he's been here
three times now. The problem (if that is the word) is that he
wants me to dominate. Dom/sub is something I'd never encountered
before, although I knew it existed.
My own sexual experience up till now had been pretty average:
groping, hardly any foreplay, and penetration. If I have to be
honest, 'frustrating and repetitive' would be an apt
description. He is becoming quite important to me. I'm not in
love, but I thoroughly enjoy his company, the banter, the
exchange of tastes in books, music, etc. He is growing on me. I
would love to keep seeing him for a long time to come. Although
it'll only be 12 times a year at the most that we'll meet up,
due to the distance, I think I can live with that, because the
times together are so fulfilling to me. I physically react to
him in a way I've never experienced before.
I'll get to the point. Although spanking, bondage, etc were
completely novel to me, I've engaged in those activities because
it thoroughly turns him on. Because I wanted to know what the
sensations were that I caused, I've been subjected to it as well
at my own request, and found it rather titillating and arousing.
But I only like it in a playful, soft, way. He likes it much
harder and longer.
I am not sure how to proceed now. I'd rather stick to living out
fantasies in and around the house, (although the odd naughty
private game in public is also part of my fantasies), but he
often talks about taking me to clubs for participation of third
parties. Although admittedly I can fantasise about that, I am
pretty sure that acting out those fantasies would result in a
nasty hangover for me. As you see, I am not staid in my
convictions. I am curious, and willing to explore, to indulge,
to indulge him, but up to a certain point. If what happens
crosses a line, it would then leave a taste in my mouth that
would be difficult to get rid of. I'm afraid it would ruin/spoil
things between us.
On the other hand - when I introduced him to the delights of
simple cuddling - something he had no experience with and was
initially not interested in - he was surprised that he liked it
so much. You see - we're both learning things from each other.
My question is - as he has had his fantasies for many years but -
as I gather - hardly had the opportunity to act them out, is it
possible that his fantasies became harder because of that? I
don't want to restrict him, but neither do I want to get into
territory that's uncomfortable for me.
In a Dom/sub relationship, is it 'allowed' to drop the role-play
every now and then? I mean - the way things are going thus far,
he comes up for 3 days at the most. I am happy to be Dominant
for a while; it is quite appealing. But I also have my own
desires, which definitely would involve snuggling up to each
other, cuddling. I have been without physical warmth for so many
years, and I crave it so much. Does this stand perpendicular to
Dom/sub? How can I fit that in without destroying/interrupting?
Sorry if I seem clumsy, but what is happening in my life now is
so bewildering, so exciting, so... dunno how to describe it. I
don't want to ruin it, but still want be able to find myself in
it. I do not believe I'm the only one who finds herself in this
position, but it's hardly a subject I can talk about with my
less adventurous friends.
Any suggestions or advice you can give me would be most
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Re: C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 17:03:38 +0000
From: Autumn
Thank you for posting my message, Christine.
I hope somebody can help me out. As I explained, the intervals
between his visits are so long, I don't want to ruin the
precious moments when he's with me.
In hope,
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Re: C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play
Date: 21 Aug 2012 14:31:45 -0000
From: MsHourglass
I have been on this site for years. It is difficult to be
confident in what you want when this is all new to you, but the
heart of your answer is in what you said you like.
Why not tell him, the next time there is a visit, the only
activities that will happen are the ones you want, and you will
not be taking his requests for spanking or bondage etc - it will
not happen unless you wish it to. Since he would really like you
to take charge, do it in your own way.
If you want just to cuddle, do it, if you want him kneeling or
cleaning the kitchen floor, tell him. He cannot or should not
have it both ways, you in charge but doing what he wants.
Also, maybe less so when you are in your 60s, but tell him there
will be no sex unless he does everything you say, and maybe just
orgasms for you, see how his attitude improves.
Best wishes to you.
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Re: C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:01:29 +0100
From: Autumn
Thank you so much for that reply, Ms Hourglass.
Although my query was submitted quite a few months ago, it is
still very much valid. You really helped me here.
with grateful thanks.
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Re: C: cuddling, spanking, bondage and role-play
Date: 2 Nov 2012 21:05:50 -0000
From: Susan
You have done really well to start exploring this. Hopefully,
as time goes by you will see what the benefits are to you and to
start wanting his submission for your pleasure and satisfaction.
I too enjoy a cuddle - when I want it
I generally, but not always like a cuddle after I have made him
give me an orgasm with oral sex. (I do not wish for a cuddle
beforehand as I enjoy foot worship for foreplay.) I simply tell
him to come and lay along side me afterwards and then allow him
to put his arms around me. He seems to find this very
Last thing at night I allow him to get on the bed (not in it)
beside me and we have a little chat and then I initiate the
cuddle. When I am ready, I simply tell him to go to bed - I
prefer to sleep by myself. Again he seems happy to be allowed
this intimacy.
I suspect that he may enjoy the cuddle more if you make it plain
that he is very privileged to be allowed to serve you in that
way. Make sure that he does not behave in a disrespectful way
(your decision as to what is disrespectful) and that you decide
when the service is to end. In other words use the cuddle as an
extension of his service and you will both get what you want.
You will not be dropping the Dom sub role, you will simply be
using it to get what you want.
The Dom sub role is about you getting what you want. He will
find it a lot more satisfying if he understands that you are
always seeking what you want in the way that you want it and
that you are not interested in doing it the way he wants unless
by some small chance that happens to be the way you want.
Let him understand that if you do smack him, have him over your
knee, cane him etc it is because that is what you want either
because the action itself gives you pleasure or because you are
going to punish him for some failure on his part.
As you are the dominant there is no question of him taking you
to clubs, you will be the one who takes him anywhere you may
wish to go, he is simply allowed to accompany you.
Do not feel pressurised into doing something you are
uncomfortable with. He may have a fantasy of being seen in
public as a submissive but that is his fantasy not yours (at
this time). It may be interesting for you to explore this
verbally with him as part of your teasing and denial, you might
explore how he views it, whether he reacts to the idea because
it is humiliating, whether it is because he is proud of you as
his dominant and wants to show you off.
He is incredibly fortunate that you are willing to explore this,
there are thousands of men out there who would give their eye
teeth to be in his position.
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C: I am unproven as a sub
From: Suzanne
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 12:13:25 -0500
Help please, I am new to all this. I am in a one month
relationship that is still in the online stage. I have never
been in a D/s relationship before. The guy seems very genuine
and explains much to me. He has been pleased with my progress
and told me he would increase the level of control over me. He
has been very good about educating me and patient with me.
One of the things he had asked me to do was write to him about
some particular sexual experiences I've had. I didn't have time.
He expressed his displeasure over that yesterday and spoke to me
sharply. It hurt my feelings because I felt like we were growing
so close and he had just said the day before that we are gaining
trust in each other every day and it shows. And that I had
pleased him.
Well I did not react well to him speaking sharply to me first
thing in the morning. And I asked him not to growl. I wasn't
insolent but I complained and I gave excuses about why I had not
completed my writing assignment.
I know he is just tightening the screws as he promised he would.
I am unproven as a sub. He says his job is to slowly educate me
till one or both of us knows this life is not for me - or I
wonder where it has been all my life.
He hasn't written to me since snapping at me. I finished my
writing assignment and I have written apologies and that his
silence seems to be my punishment, that I accept and deserve it
and am trying to learn from it.
It just would be so very nice if I had anyone I could talk to
about this path and the relationship.
I found your blog to be the most helpful one I've read so far.
Is there a way to subscribe to it via email?
Thanks so much.
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Re: C: I am unproven as a sub
Date: 2 Nov 2012 21:35:25 -0000
From: Susan
I think, that if at all possible, you should arrange a vanilla
meeting with this man. Make sure it is in a public place and
that before you do it you have things like his private address,
home telephone number, car registration. Make sure you have a
safety call to a friend lined up and that you make that call and
that if he/she does not get the call they know these same
contact details.
When you have met him in person you can make a better judgement
as to how genuine he is and whether he is the one you want to be
in a relationship with.
In my opinion, I find that some men are only interested in
wanking material and you are being asked to provide that for
For your other bits, yes, some men will use silence as a
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C: Introduction - Domestic Discipline
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2012 02:48:07 -0000
From: "David R"
Ms Christine and everyone,
Let me begin by saying hello to everyone. My name is David and
my wonderful wife and I have been involved with Domestic
Discipline for a number of years.
My goal here is to meet others who share the same interests.
Hopefully share experiences and ideas.
Look forward to meeting you.
David R
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Re: C: Introduction - Domestic Discipline
From: "David" at u4ds.com
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2012 11:13:26 +0100
Hello and welcome David,
"David" wrote:
>My name is David
Snap. That's my name too.
>and my wonderful wife and I have been involved with Domestic
>Discipline for a number of years.
That's a major interest for us too. My wonderful partner,
Christine, and I could be described similarly.
>My goal here is to meet others who share the same interests.
>Hopefully share experiences and ideas.
As you can tell by the group name "DOMestic" - you've come to
the right place, although people seem to have dried up on
sharing here recently.
Maybe you can start the ball rolling again by telling us a bit
more about what Domestic Discipline is to you and your wife.
David at Ms-Christine.com
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Re: C: Introduction - Domestic Discipline
Date: 2 Oct 2012 18:51:29 -0000
From: David R
For both my wife and I, it's been a journey of learning about
each other. When we first began exploring BDSM. We didn't really
have much information or experience. So it was more about
playing and doing roleplay scenarios.
Before there was such a term as Domestic Discipline. I knew that
was the kind of relationship I was wanting.
My wife enjoyed the power she had over me. Enjoyed the personal
servitude and power to address behaviors and actions she deemed
Then came the Disciplinary Wives Club which changed our whole
approach to what we had been doing up to that point. Since then,
my life has changed in many ways. I am held to a fairly strict
standard of behavior.
I refer to my wife as, Ma'am! And I suffer real consequences
when I misbehave or disobey her. Corporal punishment, cornertime
and humiliation are tools along with enemas, mouthsoaping and
bondage that are used in our household to enforce her authority.
I love it! Everything about it. And when I'm restrained on the
bed getting my behind blistered. Despite the pain, I know that
in the end. I would rather be there than not.
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Re: C: Introduction - Domestic Discipline
Date: 2 Nov 2012 21:23:41 -0000
From: Susan
Isn't it lovely, boys don't like the pain, don't want the pain
(well some of them) but would rather have the pain and know that
their wives are getting what they want than not be in D/s
Personally, I do the punishing because it makes a difference to
his behaviour and gets rid of my feelings of being upset and
disappointed with him. I would rather not do it but if it needs
doing then I try to do it so it only has to be done once for
that offence. I would consider I had really failed if I had to
do it more than once.
But I do like having him over my knee. That is how we start off
most mornings (when he is here) and that is what happens soon
after he gets here. Puts us both in our proper positions, a
proper frame of mind. For me that is Domestic Discipline.
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C: domestic humiliation and paddling
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 06:54:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: David R
We go through periods where every day. I spend 45 minutes
secured to the bed with a very wet diaper tightly taped around my

Once that is done, the restraints are put on.
I am spanked as soon as the restraints are in place. Then my wife
will start the timer. And typically I will be spanked
sporadically during the 45 minutes depending on what my wife has
going on.

Before the restraints come off and I am allowed to shower. I
usually get the harder spanking. It is in fact a diaper on my
We aren't into AB stuff! The diaper thing is about humiliation
and creating my sub space.
This photo was of me getting ready to put my face in it.

When my face is in a diaper. I am required to sniff it non stop
keeping my face down. Especially while being spanked.
Ms Christine, here is another photo too illustrate what I mean.
Feel free to post the photos.

Thank you for your understanding.
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Re: C: Birdlocked male chastity belt in silicone
Date: 3 Mar 2012 19:35:06 -0000
From: Mike J
I've got several chastity devices, CB-2000, CB-3000, CB-6000,
and Curve, but Birdlocked is the only one I can't fit. I bought
the biggest size, this is not a boast, but even with lots of
lube, the cockring bit is just too small. It feels good and I'm
sure it would be very comfortable to wear but again...
I can't get it on!
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Re: C: Do Mistresses ever TAKE a "vanilla" male?
Date: 28 Jan 2012 10:15:59 -0000
From: Strong and Sweet MN
I adore strong submissive men, they are hard to find.
Let's face it, we are all a little quirky here. I embrace those
unique qualities in myself, and in the submissive men I am
attracted to.
Vanilla is a nice articulation. I have no interest in leather,
it doesn't enhance my best features:). The qualities of a
submissive man does:) He helps bring out my softer side.
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Poem: My Heart Grows Ever Fonder
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 04:44:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Song
Re: The Heart
Grows Fonder
Hello David and Christine,
I thought you might be interested in this poem.
Several years ago, I came across your wonderful poem "The Heart
Grows Fonder", David, and it resonated so profoundly with me
that I penned a response. I have used this in several online
profiles about myself on bdsm websites... anyway, I've always
had it at the back of my mind to send it to you - to share with
you the inspiration you've inadvertently sparked by writing such
a fantastic poem! And I truly adore your poem!
Just as an aside, I am a lifestyle Domme, poet, writer and
singer from New Zealand. Pleased to meet you! You can find me on
the website "Fetlife" under the name "Song".
My Heart Grows Ever Fonder.
Me above, you below,
beneath my leather glove,
as we move sinuously to the sweet harmony,
of each moan and sigh
deliciously coaxed,
for my amusement, for my pleasure.
In service to me, your purpose is clear,
your lips and tongue my tools.
Your body my canvas of willing flesh;
splayed in such ceremonious dedication.
I carve on your bones my name,
an eternal incision of love.
My cruel and tender attentions; your privilege.
My reward, your absolute surrender.
My hands: hard, unyielding upon you.
My heart throbbing with gratitude,
as I urge you to rapturous degradation,
yet deny you absolution at my altar
- till I have reached my final end,
as you kneel reverently, chaste to all but me.
My ecstasy mirrored in your eyes;
my joyous truth, owning the man I love.
(link to poem by david)
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Re: Poem: My Heart Grows Ever Fonder
Date: 6 Aug 2012 20:19:45 -0000
From: MissScarlett
I really love this poem, it's just wonderful.
I'm Miss Scarlett, I live in the Netherlands
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Re: C: electric with anticipation of being zapped
Date: 11 Jan 2012 04:26:30 -0000
From: Madame Pontellier
A more accessible option for wife and husband that want the
thrill of her having a remote control on your cock, without
actually having to worry about permanently damaging his
reproductive organs, try a remote control vibrating cock ring.
Turn it upside down, and it WILL get his attention.
I wrote more about the safer cock shock collar here:-
madamepontellier.com - the safe electric cock ring
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Re: C: femdom community for over 60s
Date: 7 Oct 2012 21:37:37 -0000
From: quitodoux
Hallo Bullawk4,
thank you for keeping your eyes open for me.
I live in Berlin, which is a very liberal city with a gay Lord
Mayor, who has a chance to be elected for a third term. You can
find all kind of kinky people here who are not hiding but coming
out. Munches and clubs for all types of lifestyle bdsm are
booming. Like probably everywhere in this world there are many
more male subs than lifestyle Dominant Ladies. And there seems
to be not a single one over 60 interested in a sub over 70.
As I am fluent in English and French and have a reasonable
command of Spanish, I have tried it also in international
forums. Also, I have no obvious handicap.
Strange world or do I make some basic mistakes in my search in
the FemDom community?
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C: Governance from Madame Fem Dom compendium
Date: 26 Apr 2012 14:27:27 -0000
From: rfrub
I guess some of us here will be quite interested in vintage
FemDom literature. Here is one that's on Ebay..
"GOVERNANCE No 5 from Madame! FEM DOM compendium."
Quick web searching revealed little more about the title. Some
erotica is quite simply rare, not very much was printed in the
first place. Does anyone know more about this title?
The Undergrowth of Literature book is useful for this older
material. I also see how much Shiny magazines can now fetch as
the age of print passes away.
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Re: C: Hood Reviews - FemDom rubber fetish reality
Date: 27 Feb 2012 22:42:59 -0000
From: Fuller
Very sad to hear Denber have gone downhill since it's been taken
over recently. I used to enjoy their products very much, but i
won't wait 6 weeks for a delivery, and they won't deal with the
public any longer.
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Re: C: nuked begins a new relationship
From: nuked
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 02:57:58 -0700
Happy New Years to all,
On 22 May 2011 slave darryl Ducharme nuked_potatoes wrote:
>wonderful new relationship -snip- Mary
Mary and i had a falling out... i swear i did everything i
could... was like owning a boat, more and more and more money
poof down the drain and nothing coming from it - not her or i
going ahead, more like enabling... was nice though - lasted a
HEY! Ms Sabre - is it You from Texas?
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Re: C: nuked begins a new relationship
Date: 2 Nov 2012 21:16:13 -0000
From: Susan
Sorry it did not work out darryl, At least you had a year but
maybe next time.
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P: Denial the fantasy and the reality
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 17:56:55 +0100 (BST)
From: Paul Carter
I am a 49 year old male based in the uk. I have become
fascinated by the prospect of being denied but sometimes
allowed, hopefully, release. I gather this is a common fantasy.
I suppose my ideal fantasy would be to serve a couple of good
looking twenty something goddesses being locked in a chastity
device and each of them to have a key. I would do all their
housework and garden duties, sweating and toiling all day for
their benefit. Maybe at the end of a day one or the other would
unlock me so I could self relieve. More often I would be mocked
and dismissed to spend another night building up my tension
until one or the other showed mercy.
The fantasy is not going to happen as I am in a loving vanilla
relationship but, due to circumstances, now celibate.
Would it appeal to any lady readers to email me from time to
time to deny and allow me to masturbate at their say so? I would
find this very exciting.
Possibly it would amuse some lady to exercise distance control
in this way. Possibly a girl with a male partner sub to
demonstrate to him her power across the world.
If I were to receive communication I would always reply
respectfully. I am happy for DOMestic to publish to my email
One final point I would never wish to offend any lady readers
and hopefully I have put my request in a polite manner,
thank you
email address info
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Re: P: Denial the fantasy and the reality
Date: 25 Jun 2012 18:59:00 -0000
From: jboy2386
Paul Carter wrote:
>Would it appeal to any lady readers to email me from time to
>time to deny and allow me to masturbate at their say so?
Hi Paul,
Good luck with finding someone. However you have to realize that
an email tease and denial might not be all it's cracked up to be
in your mind.
Being denied by a woman you can see everyday, catching an
exciting glimpse of her body, but being told you wont be getting
any. Playing t&d games is all intense fun. Being alone, I bet
you anything you like, you jerk off at the first email and feel
guilty from then on.
Somehow remote doesn't quite work - for me anyway.
There are some on-line jerk off control programs that make you
edge and then do humiliating things before they let you squirt.
Maybe one of those might help.
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Re: P: fag pig dog bitch - online or phone slave
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 04:16:14 -0000
From: "skunk" aka starfox27588
slave in nc
pig looking to become a slave to any owner out there either in
real life or online.
willing to do almost anything?
email address info
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Re: P: fag pig dog bitch - online or phone slave
Date: 10 Oct 2012 19:17:16 -0000
From: Sissy Boitcj
I am a little dicked white sissy bitch seeking to serve blacks.
This fag loves to suck the black dick
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S: Dress Code - Chapter 1
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 08:36:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Shoekisser
Dress Code
Chapter 1
"Employee must keep legs cleanly shaven and remove all
unnecessary body hair. The following articles of clothing are
mandatory: skirt and blouse or dress, bra, panties, garter belt,
hose, and heels. No slacks, trousers, or any article of male
clothing will be permitted. Hair style, makeup, nails, and
jewellery will be appropriate for professional business attire.
Wigs are not permitted. Employee's supervisor will be the sole
judge of compliance with this contract, and may inspect employee
at any time to determine compliance."
I re-read this paragraph 3 times, and then moved on to the next
high-lighted section.
"Failure to comply with any portion of this dress code will be
grounds for immediate termination with loss of all compensation
and benefits. In addition, in case of termination, employee
shall owe the company an amount equal to one year's salary."
The last high-lighted section read, "Section 4 shall apply to
all employees."
I checked and found that section 4 was the above dress code, the
first high-lighted paragraph. At the bottom of the page, also
high-lighted, was my signature.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
How did I get myself into this mess? Let me try to explain. I
had spent years in a dead end job with no chance for
advancement, no hope for more money, and no challenge. Over the
last year, I had been sending out resumes, all of which were
ignored. Thus, when I received a request for an interview, I was
The interviewer was a very attractive woman who was favorably
impressed with my qualifications. I felt the job description had
been written with my experience in mind. In addition, I met a
number of beautiful and well-dressed women employees, all of
whom were very friendly.
Then the interviewer offered me a job at a salary roughly double
my existing one. When she handed me a multi-page employment
contract, I had confirmed that the salary figure on the first
page was the same as she had mentioned, quickly scanned the
rest, and signed.
We agreed on a start date that would give me time to notify my
employer, and I left, practically skipping.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prior to my start date, I had my best suit cleaned and pressed,
shined my shoes, and even bought a very expensive tie. When I
arrived, the receptionist smiled until I told her my name. She
then scowled, turned her back, and made a phone call. After
that, she ignored me.
Obviously she was having a bad day, so I turned my attention to
the other lovelies who were within view. Same reaction. The few
I was able to make eye contact with, gave me dirty looks and
turned their faces away.
Finally, I saw a door open and my interviewer standing in it.
She looked me up and down for 30 seconds, then snapped, "Come
with me..." and disappeared through the doorway.
I followed her into a hallway and then into a conference room.
She slapped a file down on the table, snapped, "Read this!" and
I sat and read the employment contract. Finally, she returned.
"Have you read it?"
"Do you understand it?"
"Including the part about the dress code?"
"Well, I don't understand the relevance. It's all about women's
clothes, and doesn't apply to me."
"It applies to all employees, as stated near the end."
"You certainly don't expect me......"
She interrupted, "I certainly do expect you to comply, the same
as any other employee. This company started 50 years ago, with
all female employees, and the dress code has been in effect
since then. It has been very effective in eliminating any
tendency for sloppy or inappropriate attire. The company is not
going to modify the dress code just because you are male. To do
so would open us to charges of sexual discrimination.
I didn't know how to respond to this, so I kept quiet.
"Now that we have established the relevancy, would you say you
are complying with it?"
"No, of course......"
She interrupted again to ask her assistant, who had entered the
room without me being aware of it, "Amy, do you think he is
complying with the corporate dress code?"
Amy looked me up and down with entirely too much interest,
licked her lips, and said, "Not even close."
"Then, it's unanimous, you are not in compliance, and are
subject to immediate dismissal. You have a decision to make. You
can either agree to comply here and now, or write a check for
one year's salary, and leave."
"I don't have that kind of money."
"That's your problem. Which is it going to be?
I thought for a moment, saw no alternative to going along with
their crazy idea, at least for now until I figured a way out of
this and said, "OK, I'll do it."
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Re: S: Dress Code - Chapter 1
Date: 15 May 2012 07:33:06 -0000
From: debra
i love the story please continue it... but i'm bald and would
need a wig
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Re: S: Dress Code - Chapter 1
Date: 3 Jul 2012 13:33:24 -0000
From: Ms.Marcia
debra wrote:
>"but i'm bald and would need a wig"
Really dear. I don't see why.
* * * next message * * *
S: Jim's Story - part thirty-seven
Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 20:34:01 -0500
From: randolphus
Jim's Story by randolphus
first part linked here
part thirty-seven
I was having a meeting with Carmen and two of the programmers
about our web site. I stood behind my desk and my guests sat. I
suppressed a yawn.
Carmen said: "Did you sleep well last night?"
I said: "Yes thank you, Miss Carmen."
I didn't want to discuss last night. We were discussing
debugging techniques. We received reports that our page didn't
work sometimes. I listed some things that could be done, that
should have been done, but I wouldn't point that out. It was
accepted and the meeting was ended.
Carmen said: "Did I cause you to stand in the corner all night?"
I said: "Yes ma'am;" I tried to remove any feeling from the
Carmen said: "Are you being pouty?"
I said: "No ma'am, not at all."
Carmen said: "Betty is your governess; maybe I'll give her a
I said: "Miss Carmen, I didn't raise the subject, I understood
why I was punished, and I'm not pouting."
Carmen said: "You're afraid of Betty?"
I said: "I guess I am Miss Carmen."
Carmen said: "I saw how you bolted upstairs when she told you to
I said: "Yes ma'am."
Carmen said: "What do you want to say?"
I said: "I realized how angry everyone was with me when I
brought dinner back last night."
Carmen said: "They weren't mad at you; we had an argument about
whether you should be here or not. Betty said that if you have
to clean monitors and toilets that you're not needed here and
that she has plenty of toilets for you to clean. Sarah said that
you're needed here but Peggy wants you to be humiliated. I was
on the fence; like today's meeting we need you. But I agree with
Betty, your time is valuable."
I described to Carmen what Betty's regimen was like. I said:
"She wants me to get her permission for anything I do."
Carmen said: "So do I."
I said: "I'm not resisting, but do I have to get permission to
go to the bathroom?"
Carmen said: "YES."
I assumed Carmen was joking: I said: "And the other extreme, I
can't do nice things like serve appetizers or buy surprises."
Carmen said: "You can't make those decisions; you need your
mistress to decide and give you permission."
I said: "Yes ma'am;" I knew arguing would lead to more trouble
for me.
Carmen said: "Betty and I will work on you together. Will you
like that?"
I said: "Miss Carmen, I like everything you do."
Carmen said: "Betty and Peggy are having lunch and I was
I said: "Miss Carmen, I would like to look into some of the
backup problems we discussed, May I?"
Carmen said: "Yes but don't forget your chores."
I said: "Thank you ma'am."
I didn't want to think about what Peggy and Betty and Carmen
would discuss. I focused on cleaning toilets. There is more to
it than just elbow grease but the point of it all was to
humiliate me. I realize I was thinking bad thoughts that lead to
bad attitude and then bad behavior. I couldn't help it.
While I was back on my backup problems, Sally called and said
Peggy would see me right now and to hurry. I did.
Sally uncharacteristically led me right in to see Peggy. Peggy
said: "Have your ladies boxed you in?"
I was amazed how insightful she was. I said: "It feels that way
Miss Peggy."
Peggy said: "You may tell me your point of view, speak freely."
I said: "To put it simply I can't surprise you if I have to ask
permission, what are surprises - sometimes it's a present, or an
invention, which may come from hunches and whims."
Peggy said: "That was very elegant, what are you going to do
about it?"
I said: "I will try to satisfy Miss Carmen and Miss Betty."
Peggy said: "I think you make an important point. I won't forget
I said: "Thank you ma'am."
Peggy said: "We are finished."
I curtsied and left.
I curtsied to Sally. Sally said: "I want to talk with you."
I said: "Yes ma'am."
Sally said: "I suddenly have a lot of power over you."
I said: "Yes ma'am."
Sally said: "I want you to tell me why you like Carmen better
than me."
I said: "Miss Sally I like you very much."
Sally said: "You didn't answer my question."
I said: "I spend lots of time with Miss Carmen because Miss
Peggy assigned me to work for her, ma'am."
Sally said: "Maybe if I whipped you, you would like me more."
I said: "Yes ma'am, but before you do that perhaps I might be of
service to you."
Sally said: "How?"
I said: "May I come back to you in a few hours?"
Sally said: "I want you back here in two hours."
I said: "Yes ma'am."
I asked Carmen for a meeting in my office. She came. I stood and
she sat. We closed the door. I said: "Miss Carmen I would like
to speak with you as an associate instead of as a slave."
Carmen said: "Okay, but if I tell you to stop you have to stop
and if I don't like it I'll call Betty."
I said: "Thank you ma'am. Sally just asked me why I like you
better then her. I thought you might assign me to clean her
toilet, and let her report her satisfaction to you."
Carmen said: "What will Peggy think?"
I said: "Evidently Sally has been on to Peggy and she empowered
Sally - for which I was whipped and spent a night standing;
present it to Peggy as Sally wants more and this is an idea,
ma'am; one last thing is that I have to get back to Sally in
less than two hours."
Carmen said: "I'll think about it. Sally is your problem and you
may no longer talk to me as an associate."
I said: "Thank you Miss Carmen."
About an hour later Carmen came to my office again and said:
"Peggy said that was a wonderful idea and said I was very
sensitive to the situation."
Carmen closed the door and came around my desk and hugged me.
Carmen said: "The caning and standing all night was because
Sally is in to you, you poor boy."
I said: "Miss Carmen you should visit Sally and make the
Carmen said: "You're right but I have the feeling that you're
doing things without my prior permission and I told Betty I
would report that to her."
I said: "Miss Carmen, I wish you could forgive me for acting
without permission if it benefits you."
Carmen said: "Then you can do anything you want."
I said: "And as long as it benefits you I think that's good,
because if I didn't then all that benefit would disappear. I
bear all the risk, if I do something without prior approval and
it doesn't benefit you I expect to be punished."
Carmen said: "Why can't you get permission?"
I said: "Because I couldn't have said to Sally that I have to
get permission to comfort you please wait, could I miss Carmen?"
Carmen said: "No you couldn't, but I decide if it benefits me
and if it doesn't work out I'll call Betty, I can see you're
afraid of her."
I said: "Yes ma'am;"
I think I have Carmen's permission to do whatever benefits her
without permission.
After lunch Carmen sat in one of the chairs in my office. She
said: "You may perform sweet acts without prior approval, what
are they talking about."
I asked: "What happened Miss Carmen?"
"Peggy, Betty and I were in a meeting and you came up. Peggy
said: 'You are an exceptional person and have many gifts to
give. Not Betty, not me and not herself, could anticipate what
those gifts will be. So while I support you keeping him on a
short lease, you should let him give you his gifts.' Betty
seemed to understand. I had no idea what she was talking about."
I said: "What she meant is that you should let me do extra
things without getting upset just because they're extra."
Carmen said: "You can do whatever you want?"
I said: "No ma'am because if you or Betty aren't pleased by what
I did I'm still subject to your discipline. But what Peggy said
was that if you are pleased then just accept it."
"Okay, get back to work." Then Carmen left.
Peggy came through, not because she was my friend but she wants
solutions to problems and improvements to procedures that I
might provide.
I got to work on an unauthorized project, the browser problem: I
downloaded Firefox, Opera and Safari and installed them. I
viewed our web in each. It was apparent that the page painted
normally only in Internet Explorer. I called the developer of
our Integrated Development Environment and they knew of the
problem. They told me how to download a fix. I did. It worked. I
reported the problem and its solution to Carmen.
Carmen came to my office and sat down. She said: "Did you just
give me a sweet gift?"
"I had a hunch it was a bug in our IDE rather than in our page,
it was easy to check out but it was only a hunch."
Carmen said: "I want an account of all the details."
I said: "Yes ma'am."
Carmen returned to my office: "I talked to Betty and you're
checked out until 6:30, so clean the toilets and I'll buy you a
I said: "Thank you ma'am."
It's exhilarating to fix a software bug, especially when a dear
audience watches, especially Carmen.
I cleaned the toilet with lots of energy. I realized one of the
problems is there is no convenient place to throw paper towels
on one end of the toilet. That's why there is so often paper on
the floor. Everything was clean and shone when Carmen came in. I
of course ended up on my knees.
Carmen said: "You negotiated a compromise from Peggy and Betty,
I want to know how you did it?"
I said: "Peggy asked and I got on my knees with Betty and asked
her. The question was do you want sweet gifts? And they said
Carmen said: "I really don't understand why you don't just get a
I said: "Miss Carmen, I cannot explain it but I love being under
your direction and I love what Betty is doing, but I felt that I
could not let them lose my gifts."
Carmen said: "I think you're crazy."
"I can't help myself."
"Address me properly, that came out automatically, sometimes I
feel funny taking advantage of you."
"Sorry Miss Carmen, on the contrary I feel I'm using you."
Carmen said: "We are each other's proteges."
I said: "Among my favorite memories is the week I spent with
Carmen said: "Again you failed to address me properly, do you
want me to tell Betty?"
"Please no Miss Carmen."
"Let's move to one of those high tables so you can stand, you're
not supposed to be sitting in my presence."
"Yes ma'am."
"I sometimes dream of taking you home and whipping you until you
pass out."
"Why Miss Carmen?"
"Because you become such a dedicated loving baby."
"I'm dedicated to you now."
"What does your wife think of Betty taking you over?"
"I don't know. This whole relationship has been strange being
handed around, speaking of that, what happened with you and
Carmen laughed: "I have handed you to Sally. Every morning after
you clean downstairs, you will clean Sally and Peggy's toilet.
Then whenever Sally feels it needs cleaning she will call you.
She will give you a list of personal products to keep in the
cabinet, and if she is not satisfied, she may cane you herself."
"Thank you Miss Carmen."
"Did I hear criticism from you?"
"No ma'am, I can imagine how difficult that agreement was for
"At first I was anxious about Sally, but then we talked and
discussed you, we became friends."
"I guess I should be scared."
"You definitely are going to get more canings in front of the
"Please be sure Peggy is invited."
"Because I think she will make sure I'm not too abused."
"Peggy is the one who told me to enforce time limits and order
you to clean the toilets."
"I sort of knew that but I think you've been pretty amazing the
way you've carried it all out."
I got a hug.
I said: "She's not my friend but I'm one of her employees and
one of yours, I heard the concern in your voice about the excess
caning I might receive."
Carmen laughed, "If you get excess caning its going to be
because I want to give it to you and not anyone else telling me
I said: "I love you Miss Carmen."
Carmen and I talked non stop while she drove me home. I got the
feeling she likes me and is comfortable working with me in our
weird circumstance.
I went to Betty's room and kissed her feet while waiting for her
to recognize me.
Betty said: "Tell me what is going on at work and what you did
with Carmen."
I explained about Sally, my new chores, and our discussion about
sweet gifts.
Betty said: "Try to explain to me why I should allow you to give
me sweet gifts."
I said: "When asked like that, the simple answer is that you
won't get them otherwise, I mean no disrespect Miss Betty."
Betty said: "Explain it to me."
I said: "If I decide to buy you a present or do something sweet
for you and you like it, you accept it. If you don't like it
then I did something without getting approval. The risk is all
Betty said: "Why would you take such a risk?"
I said: "Because I want to delight you every way I can."
Betty said: "What if I liked it and still beat you."
I said: "Miss Betty I am completely in your hands."
Betty said: "Let's see what happens. You know my methods, and I
don't make exceptions, but I may allow sweet gifts if I like
I said: "Thank you Miss Betty."
Betty said: "You have chores to do."
I curtsied and said: "Yes ma'am."
Betty set me up on a schedule so if I'm working on the schedule
I have Betty's permission to be doing it. Between work and
taking care of the house, there was almost no time that was not
scheduled. So life settled into chores. There was no time for
all the dalliances with the ladies that I so loved and I didn't
get punished very often.
read part thirty-eight the moment it's published by joining the
DOMestic Newsfeed
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Re: S: Jim's Story - part thirty-seven
Date: 4 Feb 2012 23:42:05 -0000
From: Madame Pontellier
I love following this story. It seems so mundane, no real
whipping, bondage or other overtly femdom scenes, but the way
the ladies treat Jim as such a casual piece of property really
pushes my buttons.
It reminds me of some stories about femdom that @ted_subby has
written recently
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