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psychological benefits of healthy golden showers

Date: 24 Aug 2013 10:19:15 -0000
From: samir

Re: is piss drinking harmful?


wine gold, or urine, golden shower is a very healthy liquid,
enjoyable and tasty, IF your woman is active, healthy, slender
and not more than 40 years old, the substances in her urine are
so useful, it has great vital elements.

It can make a man feel female power and the pleasure of a
different fantasy, each drop with submission gives him female
power inside him. A lot has been said about the medical benefits
but more importantly Interest is the psychological benefits.

Healthy urine includes female minerals, proteins, and very
little hormones, such privileges in her urine anti depressive
substance, so to drink it has very deep feeling to feel woman
world inside, but check her urine each 6 months to be sure of
the purity.

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