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Using a man as a table

From: "Christine" at u4ds.com
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:55:57 -0000


It's rare that I stumble across an unusual and amusing FemDom
image, as I rarely spend any time surfing the web. But I
recently saw one that appeals to my own fantasies of using men
as furniture on the BBC radio web site of all places....

I've linked above to the page on the BBC that it comes from, so
you can see that it is advertising a radio comedy show there.

There is no clue on the BBC page apart from this image, that
there is any Fem-Dom nature to the comedy show, but I understand
that this image may refer to something Hudson and Pepperdine
included in their 1998 Edinburgh fringe show? Or perhaps it's
also something in the BBC radio show?

Anyway, as readers of my book "In the Bank Manager's Cupboard"
will know, I've included this fantasy of mine, using men as
furniture, into the behaviour of several of my fictional
characters. I love to objectify my sub hubby this way as you
will also be aware of if you have seen my videos.

In the first Bank Manager story I described a party where a sub
called David was being objectified and used as a 'Door Opener'.
Another being used as a toilet by all the Mistresses at the
party while he was secured in a perspex device designed for the
purpose. I also had an oriental Mistress with a slave known only
as 'Table' with a perspex table top strapped to his back, which
is not dissimilar to the image on the BBC web site.

Of course using human furniture is a well know fetish, and we
recently included lots of images of women being used in this way


but it's rare to come across any images of men being used in
this way. Well done the Beeb for sneaking this one in.


My domestic and real life Fem Dom Books and Videos
have been published privately since 1986:-

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