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DOMestic by new email system

From: "DOMestic"
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 16:38:08 -0000


We have now found a better way for you to follow the DOMestic
blog via email so you don't miss anything.

If you are not currently receiving copies of the blog posts by
email, then send me an email asking for an "email invite" and
I'll send you a link to confirm your email address.

Consider adding MsChristine.com to your address book or
whitelist first or you may not hear from me.

In "subservient sissy maid" MV wrote:

>I lost track of the email. Did it die?

I guess this was not a comment about "subservient sissy maid"
but an enquiry about the digest? Apologies for not sending a
digest by email in such a long time.

Topica has pretty much closed it's email system, and digesting
the blog via Yahoo is nowadays very time consuming.

Just drop me a line for an invite to the new system.

Christine at Ms Christine.com

[Password] [Books] [Fem Dom Software] [Victor Bruno] [Videos / Dvd]



Hello Mistress Christine:
i am wondering if You would be so kind and add me to the new system.


I enjoy reading Your blog, which I used to receive by email. I love the many ideas and stories.


Would anyone do me a big favour and add Bondage Bunnies (the site I work for) to DungeonNet?

I can't get in without a login and I was told to ask on this forum.

I would eternally be in your debt ;)



laura smith wrote:

>I can't get in without a login

So why not get yourself a login?

As your site is a commercial site, it seems a bit mean spirited
of you not to buy a password and add your own site to DungeonNet
like every one else does.

$5 for a lifetime link on DungeonNet seems cheap to me.

Madam Sin


Some posts come through by email with a whole page of text,
but for other posts I only get the first couple of paragraphs.

Is there a glitch in the new email system?


Thanks for pointing out the glitch Gerald. Not so much a bug,
more an undocumented feature.

The system was configured by David to only send the "above the fold"
content of original threads, with a clickable link to the full post.
But for replies it sent out the whole reply.

That seems bit daft to me. I suppose the theory was that the first
post in a thread would be long and the replies short. But in my
experience the opposite is often true.

David is tied up at the moment ;-) So I've changed the configuration
myself so that in future you should get the full post by email.

If my quick fix doesn't work David can tinker with it after I untie him ;-)


Wow that was quick.

I didn't think Mistress Christine would be on duty as I posted my message
and reply to me personally within 20 minutes.

I'll send you a long post by email about me and my Mistress Audrey in a
while, maybe later tonight.


I'm not "on duty" at this time of night often Gerald.

There's one problem with tying up David and locking him in my bedroom
wardrobe while I pretend to be enjoying myself with a "friend" downstairs.

It leaves me at a loose end and listening to David's phone tweet that
there is a message to be moderated on DOMestic.

Send in that email and I'll have something to read :-)

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DO NOT include an email address in your comments. Please read this if you want to do that. Posts are edited by the moderator before they appear.

[Tip:- The correct answer is "No". If "Yes" see direct contact guidelines.]

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