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novice femdom role play an hour daily

From: Marie
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 17:30:48 -0000 (GMT)


My name is Marie. I'm a novice into femdom relations. I would
like to know your advice on playing roles about one hour a day
when to begin being a femdom or longer to reach the goal of full


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Hello Marie,

Thanks for your phone call and your subsequent post to the blog
sent in via text message. Texting makes extra work for us as it
means we have to move it across to email to get it to display
here on the blog.

Text is usually very short, and there is no way such matters can
be sensibly addressed in short text messages. We need a lot more
information before we can offer advice and help. Which is one of
the reasons why we offer our help and advice via the blog.

>I'm a novice into femdom relations.

Please tell us more. How long have you been playing. Did you
start because a husband or lover requested it?

>I would like to know your advice on playing roles about one
>hour a day

That sounds like a reasonable way to start off. But that
probably does not answer your questions?

Are you asking us, and/or the other folk here on the blog to
suggest rituals and games that would take about an hour to play?

If so we might need to know more about your lifestyle. Are you
limited to just the evenings, or is this for daytime play?

Why do you suggest one hour? Is that because of pressure of
work, or limited time due to having a young family?

Or is that all you are comfortable with, or all your partner is
interested in at the moment?

>when to begin being a femdom or longer to reach the goal of
>full time

Yes, you will need to move into longer periods if your goal is
to become full time.

But who has this goal, is it you or your partner that wants to go
full time?

Thanks for your additional text message received today while I
was in the middle of typing this response to your first post. As
I told you on the phone, we only communicate via the blog. But I
realise that English may not be the best language for you.

As English is not your first language it may interest you to
know that Christine's manuals have been translated into both
Spanish and Portuguese. So if you order the text version of her
manuals in English, you can request us to send you either the
Spanish or Portuguese text via email.

David at Ms-Christine.com

Christine's FemDom manuals are at

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DO NOT include an email address in your comments. Please read this if you want to do that. Posts are edited by the moderator before they appear.

[Tip:- The correct answer is "No". If "Yes" see direct contact guidelines.]

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