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August 19, 2018

Cuckoldry and Pretending

From: Sue Me
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2018 23:58:43 +0500

Hi Christine,

You said the other day that you had David in a cupboard while
you pretended to have a friend over.

I don't understand how that works for him? Surely he gets to
read your posts on DOMestic so he'll know you weren't really
cuckolding him at all?

Thanks for a great blog, it had been quiet for too long, glad to
see you are back on form.


August 18, 2018

cane me please Mistress Audrey

From: "Gerald"
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 19:05:45 +0100

Hello again Mistress Christine,

My wife and I have been readers of DOMestic since the early
days. I joined back in the days of the newsgroups, as soon as I
saw an announcement in alt.sex.femdom. So me first, and then

But I've never uttered so much as a squeak on the list or blog,
whatever it's called nowadays. That is until last night when
reading David's caning in the afternoon post inspired me to get
involved and speak up.

Caning in the afternoon was so much a part of my life for many
years, so I couldn't avoid clicking on the link in the email. I
was sure glad I did, as so much of what David wrote chimed with
the situation my wife Audrey and I are now in.

It probably should have been entitled belting in the afternoon,
and I was initially disappointed to read that he wasn't getting
the cane at all. But was soon highly aroused, and as I got to
the point where you instructed him to put the canes back in your
wardrobe, I could see why it had caning in the title. It looks
like David's afternoons are going to involve regular doses of
the cane. I envy him!

After having read the post, I sent a message on the blog
pointing out that some messages (like that one) don't come
through in full, and was shocked to find that you Mistress
Christine were up late fixing the problem at my request.

I later heard that you had David tied up and shut in your
wardrobe while you pretended to cuckold him. I probably should
be punished for my behaviour after seeing that response. But no
such luck for me. I'm incredibly jealous of David and aroused
as I type.

I count myself very fortunate in having an open minded wife who
wasn't really phased at all by my admissions of loving kinky
magazines and videos. Of course pre-internet there wasn't as
much as there is now. And pre internet most people would not
have been as open minded as Audrey.

"...and if you tell that to the young people today, they won't
believe you..."

But I must say "thank you Audrey." Because after I started
sending selected copies of the digest to you, you jumped in and
courageously took me and my kinkiness on. "Thank you!"

Anyway I sent Audrey the digest when she got email at home. I
sometimes edited out some of the more extreme stuff, or just
didn't send that digest to her. I knew from our discussions of
my kinky magazine collection what was likely to offend her.

Audrey soon subscribed to the digest on her own email account
and wasn't bothered at all by the stuff that I thought might put
her off.

We bought most of Christine's work, the manuals, a five year
password, and were given an early version of the program by way
of thanks for being early supporters.

Audrey regularly had me serve her orally and was quite keen on
caning me in the afternoon on weekends often prior to demanding
such service. She regularly told me that my little worm of a
penis wasn't enough to please her, and often threatened to get
herself a real man and lock me in the wardrobe while she enjoyed
a real cock. Which may go some way to explaining why your remark
last night provoked a response in me.

I was caned by Audrey for secretive masturbation and she
demanded that I only ever do so with her permission. I was
allowed a once a week wank as a treat usually after I had
pleased her.

If Audrey wasn't in the mood for sex herself she rarely touched
me, and if she did she would be wearing a pair of disposable
rubber gloves. Sometimes even a pair of washing up gloves.

She would tell me to lick any of my "mess" off the gloves if I
was fortunate enough to have made any "mess". I'm sure that
DOMestic and your program were responsible for many of the ideas
she came up with, as I've seen most of them there over the

If I pestered her for sex at bedtime she would tell me to beg.
So I'd plead with her to let me make love to her as she sat at
the dressing table and brushed her hair. Sometimes she would
reach into a drawer and just toss me a condom as I knelt beside
her chair.

"No, I'm not in the mood" she would say as she got up and moved
towards the bed. "But you can put that on and beg for a wank."

So I'd be knelt at the foot of the bed as she got under the
covers begging for permission to wank. If a wank was to be
granted she would say something like, "that's a good boy. Toss
off quickly now, and no noise please. I've got a big date
tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep."

Such remarks would push me over the edge, even though I didn't
really believe she had a "big date" once reality hit me post

But if I wasn't granted permission to beg, and no condom was
given, the answer might be something like, "No you have had far
too much sex recently. Maybe you'll try harder to please me
tomorrow." Although I'd rarely be told how I'd failed to please,
if I had.

Many was the time I was caned in the evening after work, and
used sexually by Audrey if she was in a sexy mood, and then
denied a treat because I had admitted masturbating without her
permission. I believe Audrey actually came to enjoy caning me
after her initial reluctance. Her orgasms became more numerous
and intense after punishing me.

We had many heavenly years like that but eventually Audrey lost
interest in sex, (and dominating me), when she went into the

Audrey now has a copy of the program on her phone and I've now
got the Stiletto and Caning videos on mine. I confess that
Audrey only has that software on her phone because of my request
to upgrade our copy a year ago. I didn't think there was much
point because Audrey had lost interest, but nothing ventured
nothing gained.

My sex life since we both retired has been limited to wanking
over my antique magazine collection, or videos on my phone.
There's a bunch of crap on satellite tv which doesn't compare,
and as it rarely piques my interest I often fall asleep watching

Audrey doesn't receive DOMestic since you went over to the new
email system so she will not have seen any recent messages
herself. (unless she reads it online?)

But now, when it hopefully comes in to my email edited by you
I'm going to send a copy of this post to Audrey's email with a
link to David's caning post (if you don't mind Ms Christine) I
found the description of you using his own belt on him so erotic
and arousing. I think Audrey might find it inspiring too?

Please Mistress Audrey. I will always love you and would be more
grateful than I can express in words if you would cane me once
in a while. Only when and if the mood strikes you would be more
than enough for me.

If you did that, it would give me a reason to think as I wake in
the morning, that today just might be the day I'm summoned for a
caning in the afternoon.

your eternal slave,

August 16, 2018

caning in the afternoon

From: "David" at MsChristine.com
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 13:57:20 +0100

My phone rang at around 4pm. I was already looking at a video on
screen and as Christine's photo popped up over the video I could
see that I didn't need to actually answer. Christine rang off as

Christine uses the mobile phone like an intercom buzzer, so she
doesn't like me wasting her phone credit by answering
unnecessarily. If I'd been wearing the zapper, then no doubt
Christine would have accompanied the cell phone summons with a
shock to my testicles.

'Tea Time', I thought as it had been quite a while since the cell
phone summons had meant anything else. I closed the video I was
looking at on my phone. I locked the garden shed and headed at a
slow amble up the garden path to the kitchen. I figured my erection
would subside by the time I got there if I took my time.

Nobody in the kitchen and I wondered whether it was punishment
time. If it's not tea time, then one of several reasons for summoning
me with the phone is for discipline.

I checked the shower just in case. Nobody there either. It was
too early for her shower anyway.

"Where are you?" I called, now guessing that Christine was going
to resume my once a week questioning and discipline session. My
erection was no longer subsiding!

It had been a while because we'd been away on holiday and only
just returned. So I'd also had a long holiday from punishment,
and I wasn't expecting discipline to resume today.

"In here," I heard the reply from the spare bedroom.
The spare bedroom almost certainly meant I was 'for it'.

Christine was sat in a chair beside the bed. And, as you'll know
if you've seen "The Caning" Christine likes to get comfortable
when disciplining me.

Laying on the bed in front of Christine was one of my belts. 'Oh
Damn' I thought. 'I bet she has been looking for her canes and
couldn't find them.'

"What took you so long? Probably wanking in the shed again?" she

"Sorry," I evaded, "I thought it was tea time and didn't

"That's not how you say sorry is it?"

"No Mistress, sorry Mistress," I uttered as I quickly grovelled
down onto the bed to try and get to her feet which were resting
on the edge of the bed.

"You can apologise for wanking too."

My evasion had been noted. Christine knew that I would have
protested innocence if I hadn't recently been wanking.

I kissed her bare feet. I was able to get my lips to the toes,
and then underneath as her feet were fully exposed to me when
she slipped off her sandals and let them drop to the floor.

"I'm sorry for wanking Mistress." I kissed all over and licked
underneath as she likes that extra sign of subservience, before
I returned to kissing her varnished toenails avidly. "Sorry
Mistress", I repeated once again.

"Strip off," Christine ordered.

I got up from the bed and as I got my shorts and tee shirt off,
and placed them on the other chair in the corner I heard...

"Leave your underpants on. I don't want you making a mess on the
bed and I certainly don't want to see any more of that," she
pointed at the very prominent bulge in my pants. "You know I
don't like your nasty displays of lust."

It's true, since the menopause, signs of my penis being erect
had lost amusement value for Christine. There was a time when
she loved to tease it until I was leaking profusely before denying
me. Nowadays it was more denial than teasing.

I realised my erection which had subsided had clearly come back
with some force, probably due in no small part to her demand for
some foot kissing. I can't help it if kissing and licking her feet
does that to me. Probably the pheromones.

There was a towel on the bed for me to lay on, partly because
Christine uses that or a pillow to test her aim prior to any
discipline. The towel also has the advantage of guaranteeing that
if I leak precum at all it would not reach the bed.

Christine was well aware that the idea of being thrashed was
always exciting to me, even if the reality was often hard to
bear. Although she tolerates my excitement, my buttocks are
made to feel her disapproval.

So as she could now see I was clearly excited, I had no basis on
which to argue against whatever treatment I was about to
receive, even if I wanted to. I bent to take my shoes and socks

"Do you see anything wrong here?" Christine demanded indicating
the bed in front of her.

Her canes would usually be laying on the bed. But there was just
my belt there.

"Sorry Mistress," I uttered again as I once again grovelled
across the bed to her feet. "I didn't realise you would want
them today."

"Well obviously I do, so you get twenty with the belt for now.
Make sure my canes are back in my wardrobe this evening. I'll be
needing them tomorrow."

"Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress," I answered thinking, 'so I'm not
getting off lightly with the belt then. The cane has just been

"Assume the position," Christine instructed. "We'll see if
twenty with the belt gets rid of that nastiness in your pants,"
she sneered. "But I doubt it."

She picked up the belt and brought it down across my thighs
before I'd got correctly positioned on to the towel. "Quickly

"Please Mistress," I pleaded. The request for mercy not
vocalised beyond just those two words and the tone in my voice.
What else could I say anyway?

"And if that nastiness is still there when I've finished with
you, you can beg for permission to go back to the tool-shed for
a spurt to get rid of it."

Allowed a wank in the shed after just twenty with the belt. It
could be a lot worse!

"You do agree that lusting like that deserves some punishment,
don't you wanker?"

I obediently wriggled into a better position on the towel for
her to reach me with the belt. Christine likes to make me admit
I deserve her treatment.

How can a submissive man ever get away with saying he doesn't
accept that he must be punished? Especially when his erection
tells the Mistress that he obviously more than accepts it!

"You can see that I organised a chair so I can lay plenty of
this across your buttocks without any effort, so I don't want to
hear any complaining from you, or it'll be a lot more than

If she had put on stockings and heels, then I could have
protested that her attire was the cause of my excitement. But as
it was I couldn't. Nobody in their right mind would be wearing
much more than the bare minimum in this heat and Christine's
bare minimum was having an effect on me.

"Please Mistress," I pleaded again pointlessly, "I haven't been

The belt came down hard across my buttocks. Maybe the belt was
not so easy after all!

"Of course you've been bad wanker. You've been wanking for free
for far too long. How many times have you wanked in the last

The belt thwacked down with a loud crack as it seared across my

"Please, Mistress, I don't know Mistress."

The belt thwacked for a third time.

"That's not good enough wanker. Guesstimate it!"


"Perhaps a dozen times Mistress," I probably underestimated by
quite a bit with that guess. Although I really didn't know.


Christine concluded... "So, I'd guess several dozen wanks then!
How many times have you spurted?"


"Maybe a dozen Mistress? Please Mistress, I'm sorry."


"You will be! Was it more than a dozen?"


"I'm not sure Mistress."


"Then I'll assume it was a lot more."

It was obvious that I was not getting away with evasion.


"How many times do men of your age need to spurt for good
prostate health?"


"At least twenty one times a month Mistress."


"Not 'at least' wanker. Twenty one is plenty for good health
isn't it?"


"Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress."


"So, five a week, much less than once a day wanker. That is all
you need! Isn't five a week enough for you?"


"Sorry Mistress, I didn't mean to." What nonsense I start
uttering when I'm being thrashed.


"Don't be silly wanker. It is your hand that does it, so you
certainly meant to do it."


"So wanker, do you agree that you deserve the thick cane if you
spurt more than five times."


"Um... I..."


"Allowing you five a week is kind of me isn't it?"


"Yes Mistress."


"So, you do deserve my favourite thick cane if you abuse my kindness,
don't you?"


"I suppose yes Mistress. Please Mistress, that's more than twenty
strokes Mistress."


"So now you can count! But I didn't hear a 'thank you!' for any
of those strokes, so they don't count at all do they?"


"Thank you Mistress."


"Don't you appreciate my kindness?"


"I do Mistress. Thank you Mistress." - 'What kind of a man are
you?' I accused myself in my mind. 'Thanking a woman for
thrashing you!'


"Well, make up your mind wanker, do you deserve my favourite cane if
you abuse my kindness?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."


"Good. You will buy a diary and record every time you lust, wank
and spurt in it."


"Do you agree that you should also pay a price for lust and


"Umm.... I'm not..."


"Whose videos do you lust over?"


"Yours Mistress. Thank you Mistress." The strokes were coming
too fast for me to answer her questions and get my thanks out
before the next one landed.


"And are you grateful for the privilege of looking at me when
you wank?"


"Oh Yes Mistress, I am very grateful. Thank you Mistress."


"How many strokes will you pay me for letting you look at images
of me while you wank?"


"Um... Six strokes Mistress?"


"Is that all I'm worth to you?"


"No Mistress. Sorry Mistress. I mean looking at you is worth
hundreds of strokes Mistress. I just don't think I can take that


"Good boy. Your attitude is improving already."


"Thank you Mistress," It's amazing, and somewhat strange, how
much that 'Good Boy' meant to me. "I'll pay whatever you think
is right Mistress." I thought, 'What a creep I am!'


"So you do accept that I'll have to cane you more often. I've
no doubt there'll be lots to pay for in your diary?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."

"And as soon as you exceed five spurts in a week it will be
have to be my favourite thick cane. You do see I have no
choice but to help you control yourself don't you?"


"What do you say."


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress." I wasn't sure at all that
Christine had 'no choice'. But I knew she loved to take the
moral high ground and make me agree that she was justified in
using that vicious thick cane she loved to wield.

"Otherwise, I'll let you off with the medium cane for your
wanking and for the first five spurts in the week. Isn't that
generous of me?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."


"And if you show some self control I'll let you off the with the
thin cane for lusting if you forego any wanking when you lust."


"What do you say?"


"Thank you Mistress."


"So you are happy that I've been fair with you today?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."


"And you agree that daily discipline is good for you?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."


"And it will help you to control your nasty behaviour?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."

"In fact, it's really quite kind of me to help you control
yourself isn't it?"


"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."


"How many strokes did you have today?"


"I don't know Mistress."


"But you deserved them all?"


"Oh Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."


"And is there anything else you wanted to say to me?"


"Please Mistress. I beg your permission to go to the tool shed
for a spurt Mistress." I thought, 'does she have any idea how
humiliating it is to be made to beg for permission to have a


"No. But you have my permission to wank as much as you like
providing you are looking at one of my favourite clips. I love
that scene with my heel on your back as I give you fifty with
the riding crop in 'Waters of the Queen'... and we both know
how much I enjoyed what happened after that..."


"Thank you Mistress."

"But no spurting today... Or I might be tempted to give you a


"You have had far too many spurts this week, so no more this
week unless you pay a suitable price."


"Thank you Mistress."


"Oh. I can assure you it's been my pleasure wanker."

Christine rose from her chair and dropped the belt on to my
back. She walked to the door of the bedroom.

"Tomorrow, you will be having a long overdue caning in the
afternoon. So be good!"

"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."

"I'm going for a shower now. Feel free to come and beg me for a
dose of the thick cane if looking at me in the video gets you
over excited and desperate for a spurt. I'll be more than happy
to oblige and give you another thrashing..."

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