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The above are some of the most popular items. Whatever combination of books, videos, software or password you wish to order just note the value and decide on the total. Then as.... Posted by: Ms Christine to the DOMestic Blog Just donate an equivalent amount to your purchases to a major charity and send me an email within a day or two of making the donation (ideally with some receipt/confirmation of the donated amount and the charity concerned) and I'll set up free download links for your chosen items. As to charities I'm thinking that in these times of so many major emergencies that need our aid, they vary from country to country, and most countries have Red Cross/Crescent, Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders or similar. Sean Penn, the actor, has set up CORE to take action in Haiti and elsewhere, and something like that is also good. Below I have posted links to donate to United Nations aid organisations. Unicef (United Nations Children's Fund) UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency
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